Fixing A Break Up

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After he ends your relationship, getting back together with your boyfriend might not seem easy. But the true challenge? Staying together once you've both given the relationship a second chance. This time around, you'll need to know what mistakes to avoid that will cause your romance to fall apart again. The guide below details ways you can keep your boyfriend, and yourself, happy together. The biggest thing to understand about fixing a break up is that your relationship will be extremely fragile at first. Those first few weeks after rekindling your romance will be fun, but this is also a time when lasting impressions can be made on your new relationship. You need to use this time to create a strong foundation for a long-term relationship with your boyfriend. But if you move too quickly or dig at past wounds, you could also leave scars that won't easily go away. If you're having difficulty getting your boyfriend back after a break up, there are many things you can do. The following list is designed to help you strengthen any budding romance you and your exboyfriend may be harboring together. Have Your Say - Once you've reconnected with your ex, it's important that you both get to say whatever it is that's on …show more content…

By starting fresh, no matter what happened between you, you're giving your reconciliation the best possible chance of survival. From this moment on, each of you should try to keep from bringing up things that happened before your break up. Each of you gets a free pass, no matter what you did in the past. Even cheating can be overcome if you're willing to concentrate on building a future together. The less you think about what happened between you, the more time you have to concentrate on building new memories, new experiences, and great new times with your exboyfriend. And just as you wipe the slate clean for him, he needs to do the same for

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