Dialogue – Bitter Breakup

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Dialogue – Bitter Breakup

Oh, hi, honey... No, no, I'm fine, I was just expecting to get your machine. Aren't you usually at, like, hockey practice around now? Oh, right, you quit hockey to help with your dad's business. I forgot. Heh.

No, I don't remember what you and Todd were talking about at lunch. Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention; my mind was thinking about something else. What? Oh, I don't know, I was probably thinking about a conversation I had with Natasha today.

Sweetheart, I... What? Yeah, I totally hate Mr. Simmons, too. It is unfair that he only gave your essay 85%, but come on, I worked my ass off on my essay, and I only got 70% on it. And your topic wasn't all that interesting, to be honest. I mean, "Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy of Unawareness"? More like a tragedy of Leo; how many movies does that marvelous creature have to die in? Anyway, I think that my essay was much more thought out: "Homeless People Are People, Too." I put a lot of work into it; I even made references to an article I read in People.

Oh, I can hardly wait to go to New York this summer. The Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty, the Sears tower... What? Oh, that's sweet... Oh, yes, of course I'll miss you, too. I'm sorry, my mind must have drifted for a second. Yes, school is keeping me really busy.

Can we talk for a second? Okay, I know we're already talking, but I mean seriously. Not just small talk. I mean it. Please?

Okay, thanks. Um, well... It's that...


I said, "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

Because we're just different people. I know it sounds lame, but -- Don't be upset, we are different. And I've tried to deal with it; I really have. But you seem to think that you can just live your life without any responsibility, disrupt my life, my schoolwork, and my relationships with other people and --No, I don't mean other guys, I meant my friends and family, you idiot... I didn't mean that. I didn't, you're just not letting me finish. Can I finish?

Thank you. It's just that you don't seem to think you need to put any work into this relationship. You think that I'll do everything and we'll be fine.

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