Finding Dawn Analysis

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After watching Finding Dawn, my impression of the film documentary had hit me hard, especially due the fact that I am a female and strikes me to empathize with women who have who are treated like a ghosts by the government. No one wants to be have that treatment to them. You have to have no ounce of humanity in you to ignore the issue, specifically indigenous women, who have to put their lives at risk in order to survive because of a systemic discrimination that constantly ignores this part of society that where recognition is lacking. I think the film effectively addresses the experience of Aboriginal women because it includes the analysis of different experiences of indigenous women. The film’s did a great job into revealing the struggles of what racialized, or even disadvantaged women in general have to face every day of their lives. Moreover, the interviews with the families of the missing women, gave a depressing and gloomy tone, yet an unfortunate and realistic scope of the torment of how it affects those who care about this issue. The film also did a good job at showing how this treatment towards indigenous women is something normalized or insignificant when it is covered by the …show more content…

The seriousness is enough to make you lose faith in humanity for a second, but catch your attention and evoke deep and reflection thought into the truth that goes on in the part of society that is unknowingly ignored by the population because it gets constantly overshadowed by media and the government. More importantly, the film reminds us that progress will move forward only when those at the top of authority realize they need to relate with and answer to the people who want change, answer to the voices of people those broken, traumatized, who truly need

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