Final Essay

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Throughout the experiences obtained by inmates, correctional officers, and the prions administration as result of the prison itself, is overall negative. This due to the stressful, unpredictable, and volatile nature of the inmates incarcerated. Despite all of the negatives associated with prison, this miniature society does also benefit the parties involved. The system helps reform inmates, keeps the officers occupied with duties, and ensures that the administration stay modern on their policies and procedures. Firstly, prison society is mainly shaped due to the inmates themselves. With the process of prisonization, an inmate adopts the role of a prisoner. The consequences of this lead inmates to be dangerous, unpredictable, and volatile due to the fear of the prison. In order to combat this for the prisoners benefit prison offer habilitation services and treatment programs. Habilitation services aim to give an inmate an education and a vocational skill. Education helps lower criminality by promoting a sense of investment in society. Vocational skills benefit inmates because by securing a job and staying drug free recidivism rates appear to be reduced. Treatment programs are beneficiary to inmates because they change the way the inmate behaves, thinks, and aids in breaking addictions. Through the use of therapies and counseling, prisons aim to change the behavior that steered an individual into crime, and reshape and offenders way of thinking and acting. Male inmates coping skill are also beneficiary to prison society. Men usually form gangs in prison for protection; since the society is very dangerous fear is a main underlying factor in the actions of prisoners. To have people watch your back helps calm tension in a hostile society. On the contrary female offenders aren’t as violent as male, so females don’t look for protection. Females like to replace what they

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