Film Admission Essay

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"I can use movie as a language. Not only could i send a good message, I could let people know about my thinking an how I see the world, how I see the color, how I see the music, how I see everything." – John Woo. There's a lot that attracts me to film, but what really entices me is auteurism, or in other terms, authorship over the film. Directing is the field I'm most interested in. It guarantees that your work is enticing because it's your vision becoming real. The best moments in films, for me, are small details that personalize the work. That's where I want to be, within the details trying to connect to an audience. The best way to become engrossed within the nooks and crannies is to become a director. Film is a medium I respect so much, that it seems hard …show more content…

That being said, there's a lot I aspire to do with film, the hard part is deciding how to implement in a way that's non esoteric and inviting to the viewer, this would probably be the hardest one, to find the balance between controlled vision and audience accessibility. With the world moving faster than ever, I feel like film can be used to capture the constant changing, and is best suited for it. One thing I don't see a lot of in movies is showing the perspective of the youth. A recent film entitled 88:88 by Isiah Medina gave power to the current generations voice and put it on screen. That film's innovations inspire me not only to capture the voice the youth, but to give more representation to unheard voices. Movies about people on the fringes of society seem to enhance perspective within the audience, if done well. That's what seems most important to me because opinions are plentiful in this day and age, but actual perspective can only be found through experience, and that's what I hope to do, create experiences and maybe even give

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