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Western Europe suffered numerous hardships through the ninth and tenth centuries and this was the ultimate reason they established a new political organization which was known as feudalism. By providing honor, protection, and a sense of control, this new social system revived peace and order in Western Europe after the fall of the Carolingian Empire. Feudalism was a necessary ingredient to yield stability in during these times of calamity.

The primary motive behind creating this organization was to render protection to the people since the government was unable to do so. Instead of depending on the Government as their defense, people resorted to finding a powerful lord who could grant protection in exchange for services. The contract sworn by both the lord and the vassal became the foundation for this social organization, which would later be known as feudalism. This contract affirmed the loyalty of the vassals to their lord. This custom, known as vassalage, was first practiced by Germanic societies. Ultimately a vassal would fight for his lord and the lord...

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