Fast-Tempo Music Lab Report

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Music can affect a person’s behavior in performing many simple tasks. The question asked in this experiment was, “Do the lyrics and tempo of music a person listens to while taking a typing test affect their typing speed and accuracy?”. The hypothesis tested in this experiment was, “If a person listens to music while taking a typing test, then the person will type the fastest with the best accuracy while listening to fast-tempo music without lyrics.” The lyrics and tempo of the music was the independent variable, and the person’s typing speed and accuracy was the dependent variable. The control variables in this experiment were: all test subjects were around 12 years of age, each test subject did the typing test on the same type of computer and keyboard, each typing test the test subjects took was on the website, and the music played at the same volume on the same CD player. The control group was the test subjects’ typing scores (speed and accuracy) while listening to no music. The …show more content…

There were some extraneous variables that were found while conducting this experiment. One extraneous variable was that the test subjects knew that they were being tested, so they could have focused more on getting their best score on the typing test rather than letting the music influence their score. Another extraneous variable was that the fifteen test subjects sat at different tables with them all a different distance from the CD player. Also, each song was originally recorded at a different volume, so even though each song was played at the same volume on the CD player, they were all playing at different

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