Fast Food Obese Essay

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Worldwide one billion people are now obese, including 22 million children under the age of 5.

Obese people should not be allowed to blame fast food restaurants and their foods for their

obesity and overweight problems.

There are hundreds of different causes for obesity and being overweight, and eating fast

food could be one of them. In this day and age the people in America are getting lazy and are

filled with busy schedules, which affect their diets. Many people these days have no time at

home to cook their own meals and eat something healthy. Instead of cooking at home, they say

“Hey why not just get fast food?” They just go to any fast food they feel like without having any

second thoughts about what they are going to be eating and how bad it can be for them.

Back in the day, people were hardly ever obese. Part of that is that there was no fast food

place to get a quick meal, and they had to make their own food. Not only make their own food

but had to grow their own foods and vegetables, and they eaten a lot healthier than we do today.

A good way to avoid getting tempted by fast food is to grow your own vegetable and

food and plan making dinner at home. Without even thinking about it, you could intake 1,500

calories easy in one fast food meal for really cheap too. Even though the recommended calorie

intake is 1,500-1,800 calories per day. People just cannot turn down the fast, easy, and very

cheap meal. Also in some cases some families may just eat out because that is all they can

afford. Causes of obesity is not just from bad eating and wrong diets, it also is your level of daily

physical activity. You cannot just eat really healthy foods and expect to be fit and really healthy.

You need to e...

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...tire family healthy and active to prevent everyone

from getting obese or overweight.

Eat healthy and nutritious snacks throughout the day instead of high calorie and high

sugar granola bars or candy. They will give you more energy than those will with high calories

and sugars. Avoid alcohol for the most part, most alcoholic beverages have high calorie amounts

and can cause diseases along with obesity. Write down the foods eaten and make a plan to fix

your high calorie foods. Check your weight regularly and calculate your Body Mass Index a few

times a week. All of these things can have an effect on weight and avoiding obesity. In general

try to keep away from those high sugar and high calorie foods and snacks and keep being

physically active every day. There are quite a lot of factors that can have a bad effect on your

body and can cause obesity.

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