Family Resource Centers

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Family Resource Centers

Half the children in this country live in homes in which one or both parents work. Twelve million children in this country do not have health insurance, and over 4.5% of all children are victims of suspected child abuse or neglect (Doktor and Poertner). Believe it or not, these are all indicators of the demand for Family Resource Centers within our school systems. Many question whether Family Resource Centers are worth the money the state pours into them. However, in serving students, parents and teachers, there should be no question of their significance. Due to The Kentucky Education Reform Act in the early 1990's we have seen the development of Family Resource Centers in Kentucky, and they are fulfilling expectations and serve a valuable purpose in spite of some skepticism. Being a social work major and growing up in a school system under KERA, I know that family resource centers are important and that all parents, students and teachers need to be informed of all the good they do for a community. To address these points we will discuss the purpose of family resource centers the controversy that surround them and their effectiveness.

Background of Family Resource Centers

Before we can look at the purpose and the controversy around Family Resource Centers, we must first consider their background and what Family Resource Centers are. According to an Orientation Guide for Newly Employed FR/YSC Coordinators published by Morehead State University's College of Education, Family Resource Centers originated in the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. Section 18 of the historical document called for the establishment of a system of statewide coordination of child service agencies though a school base...

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Rose, Harold. "Preface. "Orientation Guide for Newly Employed FR/YSC Coordinators." Morehead State University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, May 1991: 1

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Wojciechowski, A. "Assuring the Effective Advanced Degree Nurse as Clinical Education Program Manager." Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice: 5.2 (Jun 2002):43 Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Host. Camden Carroll Lib. Morehead State University. 27 Oct 2013.

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