Family Resource Centers
Half the children in this country live in homes in which one or both parents work. Twelve million children in this country do not have health insurance, and over 4.5% of all children are victims of suspected child abuse or neglect (Doktor and Poertner). Believe it or not, these are all indicators of the demand for Family Resource Centers within our school systems. Many question whether Family Resource Centers are worth the money the state pours into them. However, in serving students, parents and teachers, there should be no question of their significance. Due to The Kentucky Education Reform Act in the early 1990's we have seen the development of Family Resource Centers in Kentucky, and they are fulfilling expectations and serve a valuable purpose in spite of some skepticism. Being a social work major and growing up in a school system under KERA, I know that family resource centers are important and that all parents, students and teachers need to be informed of all the good they do for a community. To address these points we will discuss the purpose of family resource centers the controversy that surround them and their effectiveness.
Background of Family Resource Centers
Before we can look at the purpose and the controversy around Family Resource Centers, we must first consider their background and what Family Resource Centers are. According to an Orientation Guide for Newly Employed FR/YSC Coordinators published by Morehead State University's College of Education, Family Resource Centers originated in the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. Section 18 of the historical document called for the establishment of a system of statewide coordination of child service agencies though a school base...
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... Blocks for Success: States of States Kentucky." Education Week 21.17 (10 Jan 2002):119 Fact Search. Camden Carroll Lib. Morehead State University. 27 Oct 2013.
Jones, Doug. Personal Interview. 2.Dec.2013.
Messer, David. Personal Interview. 3 Nov. 2013.
Rose, Harold. "Preface. "Orientation Guide for Newly Employed FR/YSC Coordinators." Morehead State University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, May 1991: 1
"Student and Family Support." Kentucky Department of Education: (9 Sept 2003). 3 Nov. 2013
Wojciechowski, A. "Assuring the Effective Advanced Degree Nurse as Clinical Education Program Manager." Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice: 5.2 (Jun 2002):43 Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Host. Camden Carroll Lib. Morehead State University. 27 Oct 2013.
Many children across the country are wrongfully removed from their homes everyday by workers with an anti-family mindset, who use removal as a first resort not a last. It is not only detrimental to the child’s well-being, but is also immorally abusive to the child. The goal of the child welfare system is to promte safety, permanency, and wellness among all children.
The family unit is recognized as an importance in the field of social work. If a family is in need of temporary assistance, social workers are in full support of this, because
Vacca, James. (2008). Children of Incarcerated Parents: The invisible students in our schools—what can our schools do to help them? Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 21 (1). 49-56.
Genetically engineered (GE) food crops have caused heated debate in the food industry for many decades and have caused many consumers major concern. According to Dr. Carroll Rawn, a biology professor at Seton Hall University, genetically engineering food entails taking genes from a certain crop and inserting those genes in the DNA of another. This process changes the nucleotide sequence of the crop and, therefore, its characteristics. The debate lies in the question of whether these changes are beneficial for the productivity and quality of the harvest. Jeremy Rifkin argues in his article, “Science and Technology: O Brave New World,” that GE foods are not beneficial for the environment by stating, “Virtually every genetically engineered organism released into the environment poses a potential threat to the ecosystem” (247). On the other hand, the internet article, “New Research Confirms Environmental Safety of GE Crops,” argues, “A comprehensive review of international research conducted on areas of potential concerns related to genetically engineered (GE) crops concludes that such crops do not provide unique ecological risks and may contribute to ecological benefits such as increased biodiversity.” Increased biodiversity means an increased number and variety of crops farmers are able to produce, which has many benefits, specifically feeding starving people around the world. Thus, it is clear that, while genetically engineered food crops do introduce some dangers to consumers and the environment, their benefits, specifically pest, herbicide, and disease resistant capabilities and the new opportunities they provide through biodiversity, clearly outweigh the...
Working with new graduate nurses has instilled in me the goal to share my knowledge and expertise with others and to teach others the art of nursing. My short-term goals are to complete the Master’s program by the summer of 2014. My second goal is to secure a job as a nurse educator at a hospital and work with my nurse manager to provide program like in-service to the hospital staff and students. I would like to incorporate my education from State University’s master’s program to assist hospital staff and patients in their learning process, with the use of new technology to facilitate the learning and understanding.
Family Resource Center, Inc. in Wytheville VA is the closest organization in my area that offers services to victims of domestic violence. Family Resource Center offers a variety of services for adults and children who have been affected by domestic violence. These include private counseling, support groups, community resource assistance, court and legal advocacy. They also provide emergency shelter in one of their multi-site safe houses. This organization also provides sexual assault services, stalking services, and a 24-hour hotline.
The second amendment is one of the more controversial amendments of the United States Constitution. The second amendment states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” I believe that all legal law-abiding citizens should be allowed carry a firearm anywhere in public without any discrimination.
Epstein, J. (n.d.). School, Family and Community Partnerships. WGU E-Reserves. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from
An interview with one of the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) in South Florida Baptist Hospital has been conducted. An ARNP is one of the fields in nursing that needs to have a master’s degree and considered as an advance practice in nursing. Throughout the paper, the insights from the interview of a master’s prepared nurse have been gathered which consist of her career overview, reason for seeking graduate education, description of her present position and role, usefulness of graduate education for her present role, and pearls of wisdom she shared.
Genetically modified foods could cross-pollinate with other plants and create an entirely new species. In addition, there is the danger of biotech-resistant weeds and insects evolving. GMO’s have the potential to alter ecosystems in significant ways. Companies are currently engineering salmon, tilapia, carp, and other fish to promote faster growth or to provide resistance to certain diseases. Aquaculture farms are located in oceans and other bodies of water and the fish escape the nets regularly, ecologists worry that genetically modified fish could breed with natural fish.
The story To Build a Fire is set on a cold winter's day on a wilderness trail along the Yukon river. A man is traveling along this trail in the frigid weather in order to go to a camp where some friends of his were waiting for him. The cold weather in this story creates obstacles for the man to overcome, or in some cases, obstacles that are not physically possible for him to overcome. The setting impacts the story as a whole in a few different ways.
Genetically modified (GM) crops are being developed today to help supply the earths growing population with the plants that we all rely on for survival. Genes are being placed into plants to help them resist the adverse conditions that would have resulted as a loss of yield in the past. Plants are also being transformed to give us the most out of the crops that we grow. Even with these benefits there are perceived consequences that have resulted in much debate about this technology. Arguments from both sides address the same issues from different points of view. These concerns include how the use of GM crops, or the lack of these crops, will have an effect on the environment, human health, and the economy. There are legitimate concerns on each side of the aisle but the “all or nothing” attitude of these debates will never end in a reasonable conclusion.
The word "gospel" is a translation of the Greek word "euangelion" which means "good news. The first three books in the New Testament (Mark, Matthew, and Luke) are often referred to as the Synoptic Gospels (from Greek synoptikos, "seen together") They bear greater similarity to each other than any of the other gospels in the New Testament. Along with these similarities come some differences among the gospels, suggesting that each gospel was written for a specific audience and for a specific purpose. This paper will examine the resurrection of Jesus, while identifying the significant differences between Mark, Matthew and Luke. This paper will also analyze the differences to suggest the prominent theological perspective each gospel author might be trying to convey about the resurrection of Jesus.
Hanson, Michael. “Jeopardizing the Future? Genetic Engineering, Food, and the Environment.” Pest Management at the Crossroads. 6 Feb. 1999. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.
Family-centered casework practice includes the range of activities that are made to help families with children strengthen family functioning and address challenges that may threaten family stability. These activities include family-centered assessment and case planning; case management; specific interventions with families including counseling, education, and skill building; advocating for families; and connecting families with the supportive services and resources they need to improve their parenting abilities and achieve a nurturing and stable family environment.