Family Engagement Research Paper

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What is Parental Engagement? Parental involvement is a mixture of commitment and active involvement on the part of the parent to the school, there child and the community where the school is located. Parental involvement requires for the parent to spend time volunteering and actively being involved in the school through events, parent meetings, policy council and parent classroom helpers. Parental Engagement is different because it requires for the school, the family and the community to engage in building a successful partnership in which meaningful experiences is the ultimate goal so that parents and children can thrive. The problem lies when parents do not want to involve nor engage in their child’s education. Parental involvement is the minimum a parent can do to surround themselves in the life of their child. Parental engagement is what teachers and school administrators strive for when recruiting the …show more content…

136). Family engagement is one of the most important aspect of the United Way of Miami Early Head Start partnership program. It is important because our mission is to educate, demonstrate and advocate in the community that we serve. If a family does not have their basic needs met then they are unable to grasp the importance of their involvement in their child’s education because they are too busy trying to survive. As the families learn to trust me I help them to see the importance of them advocating for their children and participating in family activities that are intentionally made to focus families on school readiness as well as other goals. As a family engagement I strongly believe in parent involvement. I believe that the center atmosphere has to be positive, ongoing and have an ultimate goal in mind in order for all the relationships to

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