Factitious Disorder Essay

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Factitious Disorder
Factitious disorder is a condition in which a person will act as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not sick. The person or patient will be consciously and deliberately creating, exaggerating, fabricating signs and warnings of the illness for the purpose of simulating the sick character. The patient with factitious disorder will knowingly fake symptoms for psychological reasons, not for monetary. The patient in undertaking the sick role may go from one medical facility to another medical service in order to receive attention and treatment. Patients with this condition will sometimes be ready to undergo painful and risky tests and operations in order to gain sympathy and individual attention that is typically given to a person who is truthfully sick.
Many patients with factitious disorder also suffer from other mental conditions and personality disorders, commonly having inadequate coping skills and developing healthy relationships. A history of abuse, deprivation, neglect or being rejected as a child, present traumatic events, or a history of frequent illnesses requiring hospitalization or institutionalization could be influences in the occurrence of this disorder. As an adult, patients may lack support from relatives and/or friends, are working in the healthcare field, have a poor sense of identity and have an inner need to be seen ill or injured will use factitious disorder as a coping mechanism that has been learned and reinforced in childhood. Because of that the patient will seek hospitalizations to unconsciously recreate the anticipated parent-child bond that they never had experienced in childhood.
Symptoms may include:
• A dramatic conflicting and inconsistent medical his...

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... a disorder or those that are faking symptoms and will not seek any treatment. Recovery is dependent on a doctor or loved one to identify and recognize the symptoms and encourage the patient to receive proper medical care for factitious disorder and to have them stay with the treatment. Some patients with factitious disorder may suffer from one or two episode then get better.
There is no known way to prevent factitious disorder. It may be helpful to start treatment as soon as there are symptoms of the condition.
There are many people with this illness that is quite hard to diagnose. Unfortunately, these people are seeking a little kindness and attention, while, in the meantime, they are at possible risk to themselves. Most of the studies show that the cause of onset of this disorder begins with the patient’s childhood and being abused or rejected.

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