Understanding Cultural Influence in Shaping Identity

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We reside in a country where the population is so diverse that we have many contrasting cultures that are extraordinary in its own esteem. Culture includes beliefs, language, traditions, arts and craft, dancing, fashion, cuisine, religion, politics, and the economy. These are just a few parts of culture and some cultures tend to have more and some have less. Not many people realize how a culture’s implication is so philosophical that it makes us human beings who we are. Culture is the lens we see the world through where we grasp and appraise our surroundings. When you are brought into this world many people assume that you have already accepted family culture values. People aren't born with culture, culture is learned from the society in which we live in. Culture within your family has already been created many years ago but as time evolves different generations of your family have tweaked the values of the culture overtime. Coming from an Indian culture we have very strong beliefs towards religion and vegetarianism. Religion comes first for us and everything else follows. Now that we are moving towards a more open society …show more content…

In the United States you see more of a self demanding culture where things are changing as you evolve into yourself. Looking at culture from India, you are born into many small specific values you must live by that it makes it hard for you to change because of the people around you. In United States you live in a country where everything is allowed to be practiced where as countries like India there are some things that have limits. There are many situations where people tend to run away or commit suicide to get away from family culture and values. Sometimes even distant family gets involved if you were to break the rules of certain beliefs. United States is the best place where you can practice your own culture and find a mix to all different cultures to make something

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