Exploring Internal Communication Media

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Exploring Internal Communication Media

E-mail/network/intranet (internal E-mail)

E-mail is short for electronic mail. This involves sending messages,

data files, picture and photographs to other users on the computer

network. Each person that sends and receives e-mails has an e-mail

address such as Lisa@ems.co.uk.

If in an organisation e-mails can be sent to employees within the

organisation.. It would be only programmed for the workers and they

would each be given a e-mail address each. This is known as Intranet.

This means that if a social event was going to happen instead of the

main person handing out flyers and putting up notices not sure if

everybody would get it, they would just sent each person an e-mail as

he/she would have them all down and send them off. Knowing that it

would get there quickly.

To be able to use the intranet and e-mail they would have to have a

Network. This is the system that links up all the emails and makes

sure that the messages are sent to the receiver .Without a network

they would not be able to collect there information and not even log

onto the intranet.



In the school the intranet is used. Students can send e-cards

(electronic cards0 or little messages to each other and also send

messages to teachers if allowed. They could also go on the intranet to

see what the school has recently put on the website.


· E-mail is useful to organisations spread over a number of different


· Messages can be sent to a group of users.



· Users need a modem and a computer

· Users have to subscribe to an ISP- Information Service Provider, for

example AOL or Demon.


This is an internal method of communication. They are brief and sent

through by e-mail.



If the school was closed and outside people (e.g. Catering company)

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