Exploring How Meaning is Conveyed in the Renault Clio Car Advertisement

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Exploring How Meaning is Conveyed in the Renault Clio Car Advertisement

Many company's use advertisements to try to persuade the viewer or

reader to purchase the product being advertised. A lot of television

adverts are very short, some even under thirty seconds, as well

crafted texts tend to be very expensive, however this Renault Clio

advert is fifty-nine seconds long, as it is more like a narrative. In

the Renault Clio advert, the producers have used some original ideas,

but have also borrowed some ideas from various other projects, this

borrowing and adapting of ideas is called intertextuality.


When an idea from a previous film or television program is adapted to

another idea it is known as intertextuality. This is used to make the

audience familiar with the text or advert, assuming the audience

recognises that the idea has been used before, this will make them

feel clever after making the connection. In the Renault Clio advert,

an idea from the 1967 film 'The Graduate' starring Dustin Hoffman. The

idea of someone banging on the upstairs window of a church trying to

win a women just as she is about to accept marriage from another man

will be recognised by middle aged people and people who have seen the

film. Intertextuality is also used with the characters Papa and

Nicole, which have been used in Renault Clio adverts before.

Comedy has also been used in this advert with Vic Reeves and Bob

Mortimer, the comedy duo which are best known for shooting stars, this

will appeal to the cult following of Vic and Bob. Fans will know when

they she Vic, that Bob will not be far behind, and when they see Vic

at the wedding, they will probably realise that Bob is in the car.

Humour is also used with Vic's funny voices, and also his childish

behaviour at the end of the advert as Bob drives away with Nicole.

The advert appeals to both men and women, both for different things,

men will interpret from the advertisement that the car will attract

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