Exploratory Factor Analysis

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In this essay I will critically discuss about the data collection method which was employed by my selected article, Exposure to Community Violence, Suicidality, and Psychological distress among African American and Latino Youths. This article was created by M. Daniel Bennett Jr. & Sean Joe (2015). The methodology which was used to conduct the findings of this article was by operating surveys. The strategy employed in this essay is quantitative. I will evaluate on the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used and analyse the circumstances in which this method should and should not been used. I will also used relevant literature to back up my findings.

The purpose of the survey was to find out what are the possible risk factors and …show more content…

Standard descriptive analyses assisted in to highlighting the facts about the students and categorised them such as in their race and gender. Exploratory factor analysis assisted in to find what degree the observed variables were connected to their underlying constructs. Exploratory factor analysis establish the idea of each set of variables in account to the students responses. Reliability analyses helped discovered internal consistency and to establish internal validity of the students. Measurement models interlinked with exploratory factor analysis. There was structural equation measurement model for every conceptual element. The model helped explain the link between the latent and observed variables. Structural equation modelling produced a combination of the latent construct which entitled as observed variable after. The baseline structural model displayed exposure to community violence as a contextual factor. Multi-Group Invariance was to decide if the baseline structural model worked equally with other sub population such as African American males, females, Latino males, females, African American and Latino. Survey is a board method of collecting data from a chosen targeted group. According to theorist, questionnaires are seen to be cost effective, quick and are smart way to derive substantial volume of data from a great sample of the population. As per for my chosen article the survey was carried throughout 16 …show more content…

As positivism shows interest on a particular group within the society, Interpretivism focuses on the individual of that society. In this case, positivism is manifested through students behaviours which can be translated by their social norms which are portrayed via socialisation, gender, social and economic status and their cultural context. Interpretivism portrayed students as individuals who are one of a kind and everyone has a unique and contrasting experiences. The have their own reason for their behaviours. Statistics highlight the main points of quantitative strategy. Quantitative data are reference to numeric variables. Descriptive statistics are calculated by using quantitative data. The statistical mode of analysis is essential for quantitative as Byrne (2002) explains that society is complex thus it makes it easier for the surveyor to classify the data collection in order to reach for the right and clear results which was vital for the survey in the first place. According to Byrne (2002) surveys are artificial constructs. The constructs are made to locate issues or situations. To get a better understanding of such cases ontology and epistemology can help us comprehend our understanding of the world around us and how we see the issue that we might/are exposure to in this world. What sense we make out it all. In this case,

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