Explain Why You Should Never Take Anything For Granted

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I believe that you should never take anything for granted because you'll regret that choice later in your life. I say this because I have experienced this before in some situations and I don't want it to happen in a worse situation to me or someone else. Never take anything for granted because you will regret it later.
This means if you have a chance to change something and you hesitate you should probably take that chance. For example when my mom goes on trips with her friends I have to make my lunch and do other things that I wouldn't normally do and I realize how nice and loving my mom is. I know this is just a small thing compared to other things but what I am trying to say is never take anything for granted. Always think …show more content…

What I'm trying to say is I wanted to hang out with him more but now he's gone back to Germany I may never see him again. I could have asked him whenever to go outside and pass the football or I could have just had more conversations with him, but now I regret not doing those things. This is the same with money if you are rich, don't take that for granted. Why, because if you keep spending your money on stupid things before you realize it you'll be broke. So manage your money only spend it things you need not what you want. I'm not saying you can't go on vacations, or once in awhile get something that you want I'm just saying if you take your money for granted you'll be broke and regret it. So the overall message of this is to never take anything for granted. If you do take something for granted just remember you will regret it later. Even the little things like your mom being gone for a week can make you realize how much you care for someone. Even if you think you won't regret think twice do whatever you want for making decisions big and small. Don't be afraid to do stuff in your life like hanging out with your friends or saying thank you to someone that is holding the door open because in the long run it usually won't

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