Explain The Procedure Of Separation Of Mixtures

410 Words1 Page

Seperation of Mixtures
Step 1: Lay all the material out onto a flat surface
Step 2: Remove the iron using the magnet and filter paper, run the magnet across the mixture to attract the iron onto the opposite side of the filter paper.
Step 3: Put the remaining substances into a cup and add water. This causes the poppy seeds to float towards the surface.
Step 4: Use a spoon or a suction to get the floating poppy seeds out of the water.
Step 5: Pour the water and salt into a seperate container so you have serperated the sand and salt.
Step 6: After all the substances are seperated clean the work area. Rinse out all the material so everything is neat and clean.
Observation 1:
The iron is a dark silver metallic color and stands out

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