Crystal Candy, also know as rock candy is a favorite treat for most kids. Why wouldnt it be its bascially a sugar stick. While it isnt the healthiest of snacks for kids it can be a nice treat occsaioanlly, and it tastes even better when your making it yourself! This is a long project and can take up to a week to be completed. (3-7 days). Materials you need to created will mostly likely already be lying around your home. String, around 6 inches works great. any string will do but the thicker the better. Such as kite string. * A pencil or popsicle stick - As it is summer we will all be having plenty of popsicle sticks lying around. * 2 cups of sugar * one cup of water * a glass cup or jar - like a mason jar * food coloring is optional but …show more content…
Even though this takes time and patience its well worth the wait. It is one that help and supervision will be required for you will be working with hot materails. What you will need to do first is tie one end of the string to the middle of the popsicle stick or pencil. Next you wil tie the other end of the string to the paper clip. which will be the bottom. Now you will need to lay the popsicle stick or pencil across the top of a glass allowing the string to hang down the middle of the jar. NOTE: You want to make sure that The paper clip is as close to the bottom without touching it. Also make sure that it is not touching the sides of the jar either. Now remove them from the jar and set them aside. This was to messuare them for later use. You could always do this step first and have it already prepaird. ** This step reqiures hot water so adult help is needed. You want to take the 1 cup of water and bring it to boil in a pot on the stove. Adding 1/4 cup of sugar once the water is boiling and stiring until it dissolves completly. This will take time and patience and it will take longer for the sugar to dissolve each time. It is important to only add such a little amont each time. This is part of the science as you
Start with the hot water and first measure the temperature. Record it. 8. Then pour 40 ml into the beaker. You can measure how much water was used by looking at the meniscus.
7.) After you have heated them to the right temperatures, pour the excess water into a dry evaporating dish. ( Be sure not to get any of the substance in your solution. )
with two-thirds of a cup of powdered sugar. The wax paper should still be clung to what
Form a small hole in the middle of the ball and place the filling you chose inside. Then, you close the ball back up
Third, grab the left edge of the Kool-Aid packet between your thumb and index finger. With your other hand, begin peeling the upper-left corner until the entire top of the envelope is removed. Next, dump the contents of the envelope into the pitcher. Notice how the powder floats before settling on the bottom of the pitcher. Then, take the measuring cup and scoop two cups of sugar into the pitcher as well. At this point, adding the water is a crucial step. Place the pitcher under the water faucet and slowly turn on the cold water. If the water is turned on too quickly, powder will fly all over when the initial gusts of water hit. After the pitcher is filled within two inches of the top, turn the water off and get prepared to stir. With the wooden spoon submersed three-quarters of the way in the liquid, vigorously stir in a clockwise motion until all of the powder is dissolved.
The materials my group used were three identical plastic cups, four gummy bears of the same color, one plastic spoon, one roll wax paper, one sharpie marker, one roll plastic wrap, one graduated cylinder, 25 mL super saturated salt solution, 25 mL distilled water, 25 mL 80% sugar solution, and one 12 inch ruler. The procedure my group made follows these steps.
Heat the contents of the pan over a low flame and bring it to a boil.
8. Tie an arm-length piece of string through each of the holes punched in the corners. Tie their open ends together.
Paperclips are an everyday use in today's world. They hold our papers together, when we don’t want to use a stapler that will poke the unwanted holes into our paper. They also keep our papers organized and neat. There are many types of paper clips that were created, but only a few really were the ones. Over the many years, since ancient Eurasia, the clip has made its way through many patents, inventors, machines, and much more. There are many different colors, sizes, forms of paper clips.
Punch another hole approximately 1” on the other end of the strip. But do this for only six of your strips.
In a 100ml beaker place 50mls of water, measure the temperature of the water and record this initial temperature onto a table. Set the timer and add one teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate to the water, stir this continuously until the Ammonium Nitrate has dissolved.
Heat the agarose solution in a microwave to dissolve the powder. Stop the microwave every 10-15 seconds to stir the solution.
I shall add water as that is the only way I can find out how
put it in a conical flask. I will put the flask on top of a piece of
Once the berry mixture has boiled, pour the sugar and pectin mixture into the pot. Using the wooden spoon, immediately start to stir the jam and continue to stir until all the sugar is dissolved. This may take a few minutes. Once the sugar is all stirred in well, place the lid back on and let the jam re-boil, stirring occasionally. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Make sure to keep an eye on it as it will boil out of the pot if you are not paying attention.