State of the art exoskeletons operate in parallel to the human body and are aimed at reducing physical demand, restoring the ability to generate basic movements in daily life and/or amplifying the human abilities of the user [1-3] Improvements in microprocessor capabilities, high-power electronics, multi-axis accelerometers, gyroscopes and advanced power systems has extended the use of these devices from clinical to real-world circumstances [1, 2] Earlier technologies focused on augmenting the abilities of able bodied users for industrial or military purposes. However, the intended use has naturally shifted into the medical realm, with the development of assistive technologies for individuals impaired by disease or neurological conditions such as stroke or spinal cord injuries (SCI) [1]. This paper will discuss the state of the art of exoskeletons with regard to key examples including LOPES (Lower Extremity Powered Exoskeleton), HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) and BLEEX (Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton). Knee joint kinematics and kinetics will also be outlined as well as use of exoskeletons for knee joint augmentation, rehabilitation and assessment.
Exoskeletons are used in rehabilitation to correct or restore movement patterns, enhance the physical abilities of the user’s limbs or body segments and reduce the physical demand on therapists compared to manually assisted gait training therapy [1]. LOPES, Lokomat and ALEX are all externally grounded devices (fixed to a structure) that have been developed for treadmill gait training [3]. The devices allow flexion and extension of the hips and knees during the swing phase with the assistance of passive elements or programmable drives[4]. Fur...
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...oot clearance support in stroke survivors with a powered exoskeleton. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2013. 10(1): p. 3.
7. Dollar, A.M. and H. Herr, Lower Extremity Exoskeletons and Active Orthoses: Challenges and State-of-the-Art. Robotics, IEEE Transactions on, 2008. 24(1): p. 144-158.
8. Mertz, L., The Next Generation of Exoskeletons: Lighter, Cheaper Devices Are in the Works. Pulse, IEEE, 2012. 3(4): p. 56-61.
9. Fleerkotte, B.M., et al., The effect of impedance-controlled robotic gait training on walking ability and quality in individuals with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury: an explorative study. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 2014. 11: p. 26.
10. Hassan, M., et al. Exoskeleton robot control based on cane and body joint synergies. in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. 2012.
Studies have shown taping an ankle can limit range of motion if done correctly.1, 5 Another study done by Reut...
Organisms are limited by the structure of their bodies. Some creatures are capable to do great things because of the number of limbs they have, or the density of their skin. Humans in particular are extremely reliant in the capabilities that our bodies bring to us. Our bodies however, are not all dependable, as we can injure ourselves, and even lose parts of our body. To combat this loss of body, the great minds of our species have created false limbs to replace what we have lost. This great improvement to our lives is known as, the prosthetic. In recent years this technology has expanded into a new form, that combines prosthetics and robotics to make life for people
Oatis C. (2009) Kinesiology: The Mechanics & Pathomechanics of Human Movement (Second ed.). Glenside, Pennsylvania: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Anderson, D. I., & Sidaway, B. (2013) Kicking biomechanics: Importance of balance. Lower Extremity Review Magazine.
Lee SE, Cho SH. The effect of McConnell taping on vastus medialis and lateralis activity during squatting in adults with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 2013;9(2):326-330
In the next lab, Ms. D demonstrated how to use safe and effective transferring from a bed to a chair. Ms. D also showed us how to properly do range of motion (ROM) with
In order to develop this prosthesis they had to go through two main phases, the analysis of a jogger wearing a standard walking prosthesis and computer simulation of the flexing of the knee on this walking prosthesis. They had to measure rotation, weight bearing, moments, and t...
The field of medical robotics is a relatively new area. The first known documented utilization of robotics in the medical field occurred in the year 1985. A robot aided in placing a needle in the correct position for a biopsy of a patient's brain. Although there is still much to explore and discover in the area of medical robotics, the advances steadily increase at a fast pace. Historically, robots have often been first introduced to automate or ameliorate discrete processes, such as painting a car or placing test probes on electronic circuits, but their greatest economic influence has often come indirectly as essential enablers of computer-integration of entire production or accommodation processes.
Leimkuehler had a trans-femoral amputation in WWII, and went on to become a CPO. In 1956, he created the first set of “outriggers” which are essential to many adaptive techniques. He became an avid skier and racer, and wanted to help others to get the same enjoyment he found from skiing. So the designs and measurements for his outriggers were freely offered to anyone who asked.
When taking steps to analyze and apply intervention strategies for falls, we must examine the factors that cause these occurrences. There are numerous reasons that falls occur, such as intrinsic and or extrinsic risk factors. Intrinsic risk factors for falls may be due to changes that are part of the normal aging process and acute or chronic conditions. According to Zheng, Pan and Hua et al. (2013), about 35-45 percent of individuals who are usually older than 65 years and other 50 percent of the elderly individuals report cases of fall every year. Extrinsic factors are those related to physical environment such as lack of grab bars, poor condition of floor surfaces, inadequate or improper use of assistive devices (Currie). Patient falls is not an easy thing to eliminate. With many clinical challenges, there’s no easy answer to the challenges posed by patient falls; howe...
The musculoskeletal system is comprised of bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, fascia and muscles. Together these body parts work to establish a framework that is the musculoskeletal system. This framework is what gives the body its shape, form, and figure. It stabilizes the body as well as supplies the structural support. The musculoskeletal body features not only provide a framework for your body but allows your ability to create movement. These movements are monitored by the musculoskeletal components which then determine your degree of flexibility. Overall the amount of energy your body uses comes almost entirely from these musculoskeletal functions. Which makes sense because it
There are an estimated 6.5 million stroke survivors in the country. Twenty percent of stroke survivors suffer from foot drop, the inability to raise the foot (WLS-TV Chicago, 2010). Lower limb hemiparesis and foot drop affects gait, which can have an impact on normal daily activities. One of the main goals of patients with hemiparesis is to be able to walk independently and return to their normal activities. Physical therapists know that poor gait from ankle and /or knee joint problems can affect the pelvis, lower back, spine and neck as the body tries to compensate for the defective gait. Using electrical stimulation to treat hemiparesis and foot drop can help a patient achieve functional gait and return to their normal activities.
...of robots for rehabilitation therapy: The Palo Alto VA/Stanford experience. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 37(6), 663-673.
Biomechanical engineering is driven by needs similar to those of biomedical engineering. There is always a constant need to improve medical equipment while keeping it cost efficient. These are the two main needs for all biomedical engineers. Biomechanical engineering is specifically dedicated to applying the scientific of knowledge mechanical systems and engineering to biology and the human body. One of the many needs that drives this biomedical subfield is society’s need for more advanced equipment and machinery. Some recent advances show this need. In the last decade, biomechanical engineers have invented and innovated new robots and machines that can assist a surgeon in surgery or serve as an artificial liver. These machines satisfy the need to improve and innovate new equipment that can save lives and improve how people in the medical field perform their
Prosthetic limbs, one of the examples of physical enhancement, have improved to such an extent that the capabilities and...