Excessive Amounts of Social Media and Technology has Negatively Impacted our Lives

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Today people spend about seven hours and thirty-eight minutes per day on technology (Ives, p.18). The excessive amounts of technology, including the use of social media, has been negatively affecting our society as a whole. The problem is not the fact that we are using technology, but it is the overuse and excessive amounts that is hurting us. Although technology has some benefits, such as being able to use its tools effectively and being able to connect easily, we have to consider its social and psychiatric effects when it comes to using it in excessive amounts. Some may say that, overall, the benefits are what we need to focus on. Without technology, we would not be who we are today; innovative, creative, and able to communicate in a variety of ways. This generation is considered the most expressive and inventive (Kabani). We have the tools to express ourselves, like with social media and the ability to make new apps, websites, videos, and pictures. Those are a few ways that allow us to share who we are with the world and allow us to represent ourselves in any way we would like. Also, this generation is more receptive of other cultures and really appreciates the many influences of the diversity. Our world, including technology, brings many cultures together and also is varied. Additionally, the use of technology for this generation has positively affected their education and knowledge. Some technological tools, even apps, have helped kids with disabilities and those who are having trouble in school. With the tools and the convenient ability to complete school online, this generation is considered the most educated in history. The number of Bachelor degrees earned has risen to 23% (Kabani). Schools have seen a positive increase... ... middle of paper ... ...ve impacted us in every aspect of life; emotionaly, mentally, socially, and even physically. The benefits have indeed postively changed and helped our lives, but there is a limit that needs to be put on the amount of time spent on the technology and social media. Although technology has some benefits, such as being able to use its tools effectively and being able to connect easily, we have to consider its social and psychiatric affects when it comes to using it in excessive amounts. Researchers and studies have given an advised amount that should be spent, yet people today still knowingly surpass that amount. There is no “cure” or a definite way to improve ourselves, it is merely a problem that we need to adjust from inside ourselves, starting with knowing what a realistic limit can be for yourself and to start realizing what the negative effects can truly do to you.

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