Examples Of Ptsd In Catcher In The Rye

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As the wise man and founding father, John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." Although one may want Holden Caulfield from the book The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, to be a normal teenager the evidence in proves that he has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the symptoms he exhibits. This is important since PTSD is a complex disorder and it may be difficult to tell whether or not someone has it. By going through the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder the 5th edition, (DSM 5), and looking at the criteria needed to diagnose someone with PTSD, Holden meets all the requirements. …show more content…

Holden discusses at the beginning of the book his academic failure. For instance, “I forgot to tell you about that. They kicked me out...It really does,” (Salinger 4). In this passage Holden tells the reader that he was kicked out of Pencey for flunking four of his classes even though he was told on multiple occasions to start applying himself to his classes. A person with P.T.S.D. will not be able to function in society and move on with their academics which is what is happening to Holden. He has been told that he has to increase his grades, however he cannot as he is preoccupied subconsciously with the trauma he has endured and is unable to move on. The National Center for Biotechnology Information website had a periodical written on Students with P.T.S.D. in schools. On the website it was stated, "It is estimated that approximately 4–6% of youth in the general population nationwide will meet criteria for a diagnosis of P.T.S.D. following a traumatic event, including symptoms such as poor concentration and intrusive thoughts, which can also severely interfere with school functioning,” (Responding to Students with P.T.S.D. in Schools). Many students will struggle with these intrusive thoughts preventing them from performing well academically which is self-destructive behavior. Holden clearly is being self-destructive and …show more content…

While Holden is talking to Mr. Spencer he asks him feels about failing “ How do you...quit, sort of,” (Salinger 13). Holden never actually answers the question however he does explain that at a previous school he just quit. Many people going through the 4th stage of grief have trouble doing the simplest tasks and don’t see the point. This can be used to support that Holden simply is grieving and school is to draining to actually try to pass. However people who are going through the 4th stage of grief seek out the help and comfort of others rather than Holden who has isolated himself from any external help. Holden has secluded himself and is failing the classes due to his P.T.S.D. symptoms. Holden’s P.T.S.D. has interfered with his school life. Holden quitting school is because of his inability to focus and function is society. While the grieving process has no time limit it typically does not last 3 years in the intensity Holden has it. It can take indefinitely to heal from the loss of a loved one however in Holden’s case is too severe to be written off as normal. Holden’s failure to address his academics and apply himself in school for over three years is not a normal case of grieving. He has been “quitting” schools for three

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