Examples Of Family Triangle In My Family

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Triangles My Family The triangle that exists in my family deals with conflict. The one triangle that affects me the most is the relationship between my mom, dad and myself. As mentioned above, my parents relationship isn’t the greatest as it was back in the day. Before my brother and I were born, my parents were always out enjoying life. When we were born, their life changed and work was more important. This is what I believe creates most of their stress. Not being able to provide for their family. I’m the one being put in the middle choosing which side to take and it’s hard at times. One thing I think can help detriangulate this relationship is to support each other equally. My parents are very supportive of my brother and I. However, they aren’t supportive of each other. I believe this will strengthen their relationship dramatically. Colton’s Family Colton’s family has a lot of triangles. These triangles all deal with drugs and alcohol. The triangle that’s most damaging to his family is the one between Stacy and her parents. For as long as Stacy can remember, her dad has constantly been in and out of jail due to alcohol and drug addictions. Her mom too struggled with addiction and …show more content…

This influence is what I think causes most of my dads stress. My dad is a general contractor. With the economy the way it is right now, he doesn’t work as much as he used to. Because he never went to college, he struggles supporting my mom and I everyday. My mom was a hairstylist for over 20 years and absolutely loved it until she got in a car accident causing her to have multiple neck surgeries. As of today, my mom isn’t working and is on disability. I can tell it affects their relationship because they were successful when I was younger. I believe this is the cause of their fighting. It brings me down at times, but somehow they make everything work. As long as they support each other, everything will be

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