Examples Of Creative Planning A Facilitator Of A Creative Dance Workshop

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A facilitator of a creative dance workshop should consider many things while planning a creative dance workshop. They must prepare for having dancers with different learning styles, capabilities, and backgrounds. A dance workshop should always promote equality, confidence, and creative development. Flexibility of teaching styles as well as flexibility of behaviour are key skills for a facilitator to have, so they can provide the best possible experience for everyone taking part.

To successfully promote equality, it is important to understand the inequalities that may arise in a workshop. Once the facilitator knows what techniques to use to avoid alienating anyone it becomes far easier to create an equal safe environment for their dancers. …show more content…

Understanding that revising and reworking already known steps counts as creating dance, students become confident enough to step outside their personal comfort zone, and then in turn their creativity would grow and expand. In a creative dance workshop a facilitator must remember to have a flexibility of behaviour, as this will increase chances for creative development. When delivering within a school environment it is important to take into consideration the national curriculum, A Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). Although CfE is organised under curricular headings those experiences and outcomes (E’s and O’s) relevant to Expressive Arts (EXA), especially dance, should be recognised in the planning and delivery of creative dance workshops. For example, EXA 0-8a; 1-8a; 2-8a; 3-8a: “I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully.” Key terminology from this experience is “freedom to choose” and it is the creative dance facilitators role to ensure freedom is delivered in a positive and constructive fashion. Even when teaching out with schools it is still important to remember the experiences and outcomes from CfE. A creative dance teacher should aim to give their students as much freedom as appropriate for their level. Dancers creativity cannot be developed if they are only copying and repeating. Dancers need freedom within set dance exercises and they need freedom to improvise. It is crucial for dancers to explore their physicality in class and get constructive criticism and verbal feedback on what they do. A way to incorporate this into a creative dance workshop is by adding set counts to dances for the students to freestyle. Just as a key to learning is repetition, the easiest way to develop creativity is through repetition. The more dancers

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