Example Of Quote Analysis

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Which two quotes do you relate to most, or which are you most drawn to and why? The two quotes that I am most relate to is the first and second. The first quote states, “It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.”-Unknown. I chose this quote because some people are ready to change and better their life before others. If someone is not ready to change their habits, then there is no point in pushing for change because they will often go back to their old behaviors. In order to want to enhance our health and habits we need to want to change, and often times change feared. The second quote states that “The groundwork of all happiness is health.” - James Leigh Hunt (1784 – 1859). I chose this quote because when someone has good health they are also benefiting from being happy. When I am eating healthy and working out I am usually at my happiest state, because I have more energy and feel better about my self image. When I do not workout I often feel less confident in myself and often this reflects my overall mood. …show more content…

The thing that inspires me to live a healthy life is how I am going to feel at the end of the day. I want to advance my fitness journey so that I am able to better myself from the person I was yesterday. Chronic diseases and cancer are on the rise, and it is mostly due to how people treat their bodies, which is something that scares me and if I can do something to reduce my chances, then I will. Secondly, Instagram and Facebook are becoming more used for posting fitness journeys. This inspires me to want to start mine as it shows what motivation and determination can do to someone. Where do you fall on the on the continuum of the stage of change model when it comes to your self care and health

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