Everything Bad Is Good For You

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games, table games were created by a specific set of rules and therefore they were limited because the player could not create new ways to play or interact more due to the rules of the game which could not be broken. Even if they were not as dynamic as video games, table games would still prove to be beneficial, for instance, the rules of the game would oblige you to think and create different strategies, with table games you would have to be even more mindful than with video games, a fact that many know because the majority of people have played some sort of table game in their life. Table games are made to make people think better to increase the brain capacity and speed reaction. With all of this being said the truth is that it would be …show more content…

Every person had at least once made a mistake or failed in school, friendships, family and so on and this is not a reason to stop doing the thing that we have failed once. We should not fear to talk to someone because we got rejected by a certain person and we should not fear to explore new places because we do not know what to expect in an unknown environment. We find the fear of mistakes in schools where students do not rise their hands to answer simple questions even though they know the answer they fear it might not be good enough and they prefer to stand down. In some ways, video games learning systems can also make us escape the fear within us. In an article from Idunn.no, James Paul Gee tells us that “the role of failure is very different in video games […] In good games, the price of failure is lowered-when players fail, they can, for example, start over at their last saved game.“ a fact that in a certain way reflects the reality, one can never fail and forget everything that was learned, but fail and relearn what was already learned and improve it. The main problem about this fact is that, many people do not know that by failing more can be learned therefore video games somehow are a motivational source, they motivate through repetition and they decrease the fear of failure.

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