Evaluation of Rapex as Protection Against Rape

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Evaluation of Rapex as Protection Against Rape

Rapex is a weapon for woman against rape. It is a diaphragm with teeth

which bites when something touches it that is not supposed to, such as

a penis. This is both painful and will make the rape stop immediately.

It also has to be removed surgically thus it is much easier to

identify the rapist. In this essay I will explain and discuss the

facts and uses for Rapex, the medical concerns for Rapex and the

ethical and safety issues.

In South Africa there are 119 people per 100,000 that are raped every

year. This is probably 9 times as much because the number that was

previously mentioned is only the reported rapes. You could also say

that there is 50,000 rapes per year in South Africa. This is again

about 4 times as many because rapes of children and acquaintances are

never reported. This is an alarmingly high number and measures needed

to be made. One of these measures was the Rapex anti rape device.

Rapex also prevents pregnancy and the infection of sexually

transmitted diseases. This is another important function of Rapex

because South Africa has the most people in the world which are

infected by HIV/AIDS. 1 of nine people in South Africa are infected

with the virus.

This scientific development has lead to many discussions of ethical

issues such as if Rapex would be used for revenge by an angry wife or

girlfriend or that it might cause the men to act violently towards the

women and hurt them or even kill them.

Rapex is made of latex and polyurethane which is held firm by shafts

of sharp barbs. When the man penetrates the hooks are fastened into

the tip of the man’s erected...

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men except woman as their equal. Rapex is only a temporary solution to

the problem of rape and instead of investing money in something short

term I believe you can better invest it in something that will stay

long term such as a change in society and the role of women within

that society.


1. http://www.campushealth.org/Contraception101/methodswb/diaphragmanswer.htm

2. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sf.html

3. http://channels.lockergnome.com/news/archives/20050831_Rapex_anti_rape_device_has_teeth_in_it.phtml

4. http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=15&art_id=qw1125413643318B261

5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9145415

6. http://www.smh.com.au/news/worl/controversy-in-south-africa-over-device-to-snare-rapists/2005/09/01/1125302683893.html

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