Rape Shield Laws

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Rape Shield Laws

Facing with much criticism from women’s group with the legal

definitions of rape and how rape cases are being processed in the

legal system, the government is forced to pass a Rape Law reform in

the 1970s. Rape law reform urging courts to treat rape case the same

as other crimes, rape law reforms modified traditional rape laws and

ratified evidentiary reforms in every state in the United States. The

most common and widespread changes occurred in three areas. First,

rape was redefined so that there was no longer a single crime of rape.

Second, the victim was no longer required to support her testimony.

The third and perhaps most important area of change, known as rape

shield laws, prevented defense attorney from introducing information

about a victim’s prior sexual behavior. These statutes were intended

to address the problem that jurors perceive a victim’s prior sexual

history to be probative of a victim’s credibility, moral character,

and consent. Proponents of the statutes argued that these perceptions

have a prejudicial impact on the jury decision-making process.

However, along with much strength of this statue, there are also many

weaknesses of the rape shield laws.

The strengths of the rape shield laws are that the statue tends to

exclude the defense counsel from introducing an alleged victim’s prior

sexual history into evidence. By limiting the defendant’s use of a

victim’s sexual past, the laws attempt to prevent this evidence from

being unfairly used to discredit the victim’s credibility. For

example, a man was accused of assault and battery during a sexual

encounter. However, the victim also has a hist...

... middle of paper ...

...r than Bryan in the 15 hours between the

alleged rape and the medical exam, and sperm and semen from a man

other than Bryant were found on the underwear she wore to the exam. If

it weren’t for the exception rule to the rape shield laws, those

evidences wouldn’t be introduced to the trial. As a result, that would

play on the advantages of the accuser and it wouldn’t be a fair trial

for Bryant.

Additionally, despite rape shield laws, evidence of a prior sexual

relationship between the victim and the defendant will most likely be

admitted, even when evidence concerns a single encounter months before

the rape. This is particularly discouraging for acquaintance rape

cases, where consent is typically a defense. As it shown, the rape

shield laws can play as a strengths and weaknesses both for the

victims and defendants.

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