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Social-Psychological Theory of rape
Social-Psychological Theory of rape
The impact of rape culture
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Recommended: Social-Psychological Theory of rape
The question is unthinkable given the conditions: “Did you ever have a sexually transmitted disease?” This is one of the first questions to which a rape victim must respond. In what way does her sexual history play any role in her case against a defendant? We have “double jeopardy” to protect people from unfair prosecution, but rape victims are repeatedly put on trial over and over for crimes perpetrated against them. Prosecutors are allowed to judge rape victims in a critical light, aggressively emphasizing many factors related to her personal life, her appearance, or her action just prior to the rape that she endured. These factors are brought out to influence a jury’s perception of the victim creating doubt about whether the crime may not in fact have been the victim’s fault. Did she deserve it? Was she asking for it? There are cases in which rape victims are treated differently due to the lack of understanding and prejudice which can be brought to bear against victims. Prejudice is the act of forming an unreasonable judgment against another. These prejudgments can affect a victim’s emotional status, actually leading some victims to end up asking themselves if the transgression was their fault. Three cases will reveal the complexity of what is at stake.
The first case is based upon the character of Sarah Tobias, portrayed by Jodi Foster in the movie The Accused. Sarah is depicted as a young independent woman who has just ended a relationship with her partner. After the breakup, Sarah goes to a bar called The Mill where her friend works. After a couple of drinks, Sarah is no longer sober. She starts dancing provocatively. The men in the bar surround her, and she is gang-raped. Later at the hospital, Sarah, battered and exhausted, is interrogated. One of the standard questions directed at her inquires as to whether or not she has ever had an STD. During the trial, Sarah is bombarded by more questions about her past. She is portrayed as if she were the guilty one, even though she has been violated in a vicious assault. The defense attorney builds his defense on the possibility that her lifestyle makes her into women who would ask to be raped. He emphasizes how she was drunk and was dressed provocatively on the night in question. He suggests that wearing a mini skirt can translate into an invitation to be raped, that consent comes complicit with attire.
(NCVS, 2000.) This means that in over half of rape cases the victim knows their assailant. This becomes a major disadvantage when looking at rape shield laws the shield does not prevent from the courts to engage in questioning in previous sexual contact with the defendant. This implies that in over half of rape cases the victim’s sexual history will in fact be heard in court, due to the victim’s knowledge or previous relationship with the defendant. If a victim of rape has been convicted of a prostitution offense within the last three years, their sexual history is considered to be admissible in court. (Muldoon, 2012).This exception can also render problematic due to the simple fact that just because the individual was once engaging in illegal sexual activity does not mean that in the particular event the victim was not in fact raped. Rape Shield laws are also very vague and have many different exceptions and each state has different rules they go by, which can therefore produce what evidence and the protection of the victim to be different in each case.
PPACA or ACA for acronyms, PPACA represent Patient Protection Affordable Care Act finalized with impact of the law to Affordable Care Act. For once, both acronyms did not reflect a word for health or a word for healthcare. How then ACA becomes the law for healthcare coverage. Well to gain the support of the senate, ACA is presented to the people, as an individual benefit for equal health provision for equal coverage is the mandate for healthcare insurance as pledge to close the disparity of the type of health service receive by the poor. According to Glenn Kessler, (2011), for fact checker for ACA quoted the president pledge that “if you like your insurance, you can keep it” for cost
Rape is devastating to its victims. I feel as if this statement should stand alone, underlined and in bold typeface. It is crucial that we, as a society, come to a deep understanding and awareness of this message. For that reason, I will state it again:
Affordable health care law or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the novel commandment that touches the practice of public health or community health nursing. PPACA, also known as the Affordable Care Act, (ACA) is a united State federal decree signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The ACA proposal emphasizes three foremost approaches: 1). Dropping costs and increasing productivity so the organization works. 2). Proposing inexpensive, manageable coverage for everybody. 3). Accentuating deterrence agendas in the public health setting (Anderson, K. 2009).
Prior to the PPACA, certain divisions of the medical field made the reach of health care coverage far smaller than it should be. This reach widely affected individuals who have a small pre-existing income and rely on social welfare for many needs, needs such as health care. With this diminutive range of coverage, it makes it difficult for the government to support funding for welfare, and in turn funding for the Department Human Services. Now with the PPACA, this problem has been eradicated, but some still debate whether the act has hurt the economy in an effort to make up for the lack of funds . This has been a matter which has led to many debates and controversial statements, but still no clear decision on the argument has been made.
From 1990 to the present, government welfare such as income assistance and food stamps have aided the unemployed, the ill, and the broken families of America, but government assistance greatly affects the myth that hard work is the only pathway to success, and welfare provides many negative, as well as positive impacts to society. In the United States, many different welfare systems offer a wide range of benefits including money and food stamps to a variety of people. Plagued with economic issues and a shrinking middle class, the poorest Americans keep getting poorer, and the door seems to be shutting more and more on the opportunity to rise above their impoverished roots. Welfare aims to provide aid to those poor Americans who need an extra boost to keep up and help them in achieving the sought after “American Dream.” According to the US Committee of the Budget: House of Representatives, “There are at least 92 federal programs designed to help lower-income Americans. For instance, there are dozens of education and job-training programs, 17 different food-aid programs, and over 20 housing programs. The federal government spent $799 billion on these programs in fiscal year 2012”. Welfare also greatly affects a large number of the United States’ population, and as Robert Rector states in the article “Spiraling State of Welfare Spending,” “Roughly 100 million people- one-third of the United States population- received at least one means-tested welfare program each month (Feulner). Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides cash assistance for families with children in need. TANF was created after the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, which was instituted in 1996 under President Bill Clinton. PRWORA aimed ...
On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a piece of legislation that seeks to improve the American health care landscape in a variety of ways. The PPACA strives to increase access to affordable insurance coverage while working towards structural and other changes that will keep future healthcare costs under control. The common goal, and the one concept that is unanimously accepted is the aspiration to improve the quality of care for all citizens across the United States at the highest of standards.
Beginning college can either be a terrifying experience or a start to an amazing journey for someone. Those hesitant to begin college have their own reasons for the emotions. That doubt may be caused by the independence from guardian supervision, financial expectancies, or for females in all grades, sexual assault. Sexual assault occurs on college campuses and university throughout the nation; however, light is not shined upon this dilemma to the public as often as it should be. Since the founding days of such schools, sexual violence has taken place, but the colleges deny the allegations they are faced with.
What do you think and feel when you hear the word rape? Do you feel uncomfortable? Maybe even angry? Your certain feelings and emotions towards this word is a result of rape culture. Rape culture, essentially, is how a society as a whole sees and reacts towards rape or instances of rape. In 2013 rape was defined by the FBI as, “Penetration… of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” (Division’s Crime Statistics Management Unit 1). The definition was finally changed after the old definition deemed inappropriate by today’s standards, which beforehand, stated that physical force needed to be used for rape to be considered rape. This is good news for men and women who have been fighting for the definition to be changed, but unfortunately this does not mean that state laws are being changed the same way. Even though the FBI may acknowledge the older inappropriate definition, most states do not. Sexual assault is a commonly unreported crime, where only an average of 36% of sexual abuse is actually reported to the authorities (Planty 7). Some forms of rape can include physical harm, threats, and even death of the victim, and most victims do not want to tell others for fear of criticism, self-blame, or even the fear that their attackers will carry out on their threats. In many cases, victims do have a reason to be afraid. When someone is brave enough to come forward and say they were sexually assaulted, they are putting themselves in the position of being in not only a long legal process, but also having their motives questioned and misunderstood, which is the last thing they want after their experience. The legal system in the United States...
Rape and sexual violence is a very serious problem that affects millions of people each year. Rape is someone taking advantage of another person sexually. Sexual assault can be verbal, physical, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. ("Sexual Assault.") Rape is one of the most underreported crimes. In 2002, only thirty-nine percent of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law officials. ("Sexual Violence: Fact Sheet.") Victims sometimes do not report that they have raped because of shame or feeling that it was their fault. It is never the victim's fault. "Victim blaming" is holding the victim of a crime to be in a whole or in partly responsible for what had happened to them. Most victims believe this. ("Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence.")
Deviant behavior is defined as a behavior or action that is against the social norms of society. Rape is a deviant behavior that is a type of sexual assaults that usually involving sexual intercourse. This happens when one person or more initiates sexual acts against another person without that person's consent. The act can be sometimes carried out by physical force, coercion, or a person not being able to give valid consent. Someone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent would fall under that category. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault. According to R.A.I.N (Rape, Abuse and Incet National Network, 2009) 44% of rape victims are under age 18 and 80% are under age 30. It is sad to report that every 2 minutes another American is assaulted which leaves an average of 237,868 victims, age 12 or older of sexual assault each year (R.A.I.N 2009). So who is to blame for this growing problem? It would be surprising to hear that many times people blame the victims. This is a growing concern for us all because it has led to a tremendous amount of unreported incidents which leads to the perpetrator roaming the streets waiting to strike again. Rape can lead to have severe traumatization and victim can suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder along with causing psychological harm and has been shown to cause physical injury, or have additional effects on the victim, such as acquiring of a sexually transmitted infection or becoming pregnant. Sadly following a rape, a victim may face violence or threats thereafter from the rapist.
Although it is hard to completely erase the damage and negative effects of global climate change, it is never too late to start improving our everyday lives to help benefit the planet we live on. Small changes like a light bulb, installing solar panels on a house, or even recycling a bottle of coke can help reduce the size of individual carbon footprints. It is also beneficial if one has enough money to indulge in an electric car. Perhaps in the future electric cars and biofuels will be the only options for driving creating a healthier planet to live on. In the future, electric cars and solar panels should become more affordable for the average person to purchase since they are currently too pricey.
1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault as an adult (cite). To me, that statistic is mindboggling. I’m not sure people are really aware of the fact that in our society women are raped every single day or maybe they are aware but it doesn’t truly affect their lives until it happens to them or someone they know. Rape is a serious crime. I’m not sure there is a worse crime than rape. Rape is when one person violates the personal space of another. More times than not the attacker is male and the victim is female. With rape not only are you at risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases but also your piece of mind is taken away. Women can experience symptoms of PTSD after being raped. Rape is crime where the act in itself is awful, but also dealing with it after is very painful as well. If our society were more knowledgeable about rape maybe it wouldn’t happen as much. Knowing the difference between the different characteristics of a serial rapist versus a single victim rapist could potentially help women or men identify their attacker, if they know what to look for. This may be more of a struggle for if the attacker is a stranger or a one-time offender, but if women are able to give details about their attack, this could help the criminal justice system find these criminals after the fact. In this paper, I will explain and critique three different studies that were conducted comparing and contrasting serial rapists and single-victim rapists.
Since rape is a sensitive issue, there are limited options that the social worker could take. One option would be to respect the self-determination of Rose to not discuss the assault again despite the fact she is showing poor mental health. By doing this, the social worker is not fulfilling her obligation to address client’s wellbeing. The second option would be to disclose the assault to her parents in an effort to encourage Rose to seek help. This, though, does not guarantee that Rose will be willing to seek help. In fact, telling her parents might harm Rose more as it is unknown how her parents will react. She may also not be ready for her parents to know. In addition, reporting to her parents can be seen as a betrayal
... the physical and mental health of Americans and threatening the future of the United States, which is a consensus of most Americans. The peculiarity of drugs determines that they can’t be legalized in the society like cigarette and alcohol, and the degree of dependence of drug users on drugs far surpasses that of alcohol. Therefore, it is a kind of dangerous and inadvisable choice to legalize drugs. The comparatively radical reform schemes proposed by people, who insist on legalizing drugs, can't be adopted and accepted by the government and most people either. The extreme complexity and chronicity of drug issue and how to control the spreading of drugs should still depend on the unification of the whole society’s understanding on this issue as well as the settlement of other social issues related to drugs. It definitely does more harm than good to legalize drugs.