Evaluate the Website DHMO

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In the assignment, evaluate the website http://www.dhmo.org/, students are to critic the site for authenticity. When conducting such a task, one should proceed with caution because there are many false or bias sites on the World Wide Web. As a student of higher education, it is sensible to view all sites with a cautious mindset.

Today, anyone can create a website and market an idea or product with anonymity. There are no laws that require a person to be licensed or hold a credential to promote a product or idea. This has created a colossal problem. The problem has become one of sifting through a mass of advertising material and vanity publications in order to find information of high quality (Smith, 1997).

Johns Hopkins University and other higher learning institutions have come up with ways to recognize the validity of a website. It is a five step of validation and “three may be investigated by electronic means: Authorship, Publishing body and Currency (of the document itself)” (Johns Hopkins University, 2013).

The first one is Authorship. In this step, the researcher wan...

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