The ethnographic interview was quite different from anything I have ever done due to the fact that I have never done it before. Going into the interview I became a little hesitant and nervous and a little judgmental about the interviewee. To point out, when going into an interview it is always nerve-wracking because the interviewer has to be aware of the differences that lie ahead and trying to overstep boundaries. My experiences as an interviewer were worrisome because I have never been in such a position. I have always been an interviewee instead of being an interviewer. Being an interviewer is difficult because I’m going into the process blind. The position of being an interviewer gives me a looking glass feel on how the interview process develops. …show more content…
Silence is the best key feature while interviewing a person because while once silence your listening. Both listening and silence are equally important it intertwines together because without each other there is no connection between the interviewer and interviewee. Not only was silence and listening important the interview but also allowing the interviewee to formulate a sentence without interruptions. In reality, interrupting is rude and impolite because the conversation is not about the interviewee no more it is about the interviewer that starts interjecting their own opinions and project their own behavior onto others. Moreover, it was imperative not to interject my viewpoints while the interviewee speaks. For the most part, being too silent was a downfall I probably could have elaborated more on my questions. Ultimately, over analyzing the questions can become robotic likewise pushing the interviewee to limit can backfire.The best option was to let the interviewee express their thoughts and opinion. The ethnographic interview is a reflection on how the people around you share similarities and
The first interview I scheduled was with the Assistant Village Manager, Ms. Jablonski. We had a phone conversation that made it seem like she did not have time for the conversation. She had my questions ahead of time and was able to prepare. She mentioned that she was busy and only had twenty-five minutes to talk and said she would not have any other time to speak to me. I felt rushed and pressured to pick the most important questions from my list.
Jordan interviewing for a part-time job at a fast food restaurant would need to leave a positive impression to the interviewer so that he can get hired for the job. For the interview, there are a couple of traits that Jordan will want to display to the interviewer to show that he has a good personality. First and foremost, he needs to display the characteristics of an extroverted person. British psychologist Hans Eysenck proposed a model of universal source trait which includes the introversion-extroversion dimension and the neuroticism-emotional stability dimension. In the extroversion dimension, a person high on the extraversion scale directs his energies outward toward the environment and other people and would be more outgoing and sociable,
Interviewing somebody from a different racial, ethnic, or national origin group different than mine was not difficult, it was the reflection after the interview that was challenging. Although two persons grow up in the same city, their values, beliefs, customs, traditions, language, and worldview can be similar, but at times extremely different from one another. I will explain the similarities and differences I found amongst my interviewee and myself.
Anthropologists conduct research in order to answer specific questions about a particular group of people and their culture. Most anthropologists use fieldwork to collect their data, which is then interpreted within their ethnographic writing. When collecting their data, anthropologists use many different approaches such as developing relationships with their informants, but do not illustrate these relationships in their actual writing. Anthropologists Claire E. Sterk and Philippe Bourgois are two of the anthropologists that emphasize their relationships and the importance of gaining trust of their informants in their perspective articles studied. In Bourgois’ article “Crack in Spanish Harlem” and Sterk’s article “Tricking and Tripping: Fieldwork on Prostitutes in the Era of AIDS”, both anthropologists write about their engagement with their informants, but do so in different ways. Sterk focuses much of her ethnography on the relationships formed, and the information and trust gained as a result; Bourgois, however, spends only a small fraction of his ethnography on his relationships. Both illustrate information about their perspective-studied cultures, the difficulties faced in gathering their fieldwork, but they differ in the amount of information they chose to include in their actual ethnographies.
This assignment will identify the strengths and weaknesses regarding the fundamentals of the interviewing, and whether the seven stages in the interview sequence were properly used by the detective in film Interviewing victims and witnesses. Many Successful victim and witness interviews use foundational knowledge to explore and evaluate the role of six key factors and seven stages have in successful interviews. I will carefully examine the effectiveness of the structure that was used by the detective, and identify the presence of proxemics, micro-skills involved in listening, the development of rapport, and possible barriers to communication.
For my intercultural interview I ended up reaching out to my high school Spanish teacher to help connect me. I had originally planed on interviewing someone else, but that fell through on me, so FaceTime was the best that I could get to an actual face to face interview. I ended up interviewing a person from my home state named Daniela, who grew up in southern Peru before moving to the United States for college. In the short time that we had, her stories really showed me more than I thought I would ever know about Peru and Peruvian culture/beliefs.
I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, “Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across.”
To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational speaker Peter Northouse, states, “a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant” (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading.
Since this is my first informational interview, I was struggling to maintain the conversation flow. In the 45-minute interview, there were several times where I had no idea how to respond her answer. I tried hard to keep the conversation flowing by asking any other random questions that came into my mind. I realized that I have to improve this weakness by having more experience for interviewing someone and being more focus of what he or she is talking about.
When we were first given this assignment I had not put much consideration into it. I thought we were to ask a couple of questions, it would all work itself out and I would be done. But this was not the case. The thought and reflection put into interview questions really surprised me. There was far more factors other than the questions you were asking, because you were also dealing with people, people who are giving you there free time, their attention and opening themselves up to you a stranger, so there were far more responsibilities then what were initially at hand.
The first question asked of the participant is: Can you please describe, as detailed as possible, a situation in which, during instruction, you experienced a student's need for social-emotional support? The psychological phenomenon of emotional memory then prompts the question: Can you describe a situation in which you remember something emotional about that experience? The remaining questions follow, with a focus on the teacher's experiences with meeting the perceived social-emotional needs of the students. Semi-structured interviewing, from a phenomenological perspective, requires the ability to shift perspectives within the interviewee's recall of events; that shift is between the objective recall of an event, and the interviewee's subjective
For my oral history project, I chose to interview my grandmother. My grandmother name is Rachel and we had our interview in my apartment at the kitchen table. The atmosphere was relaxed and quite since my roommates were out of our apartment at the time. I felt nervous before interviewing my grandmother because we do not get to talk to each other or see each other regularly since she normally lives in California, but she now is currently visiting my parents. I could sense a little bit of nervousness from her as well since I do not get the opportunity a talk regularly with her. Coming into this interview she did not know how much or how little information of her life she should tell me. I reminded her that she could she could talk as much or as little about her past within the hour timeframe.
Food is not just something we eat to survive; it is significant to the make-up of a person’s cultural identity. Preparation of food and special traditions surrounding food can form vivid sensory memories that are cherished throughout life. Memories are important but moving to a new country is difficult for several reasons; especially when you have to adjust to different foods. I interviewed two women who moved from Mexico to the United States at different times in their life; which did affect how easy it was from them to adjust to new foods. I had the opportunity to interview Marisol at the East Side Freedom Library. She moved to the United States over 17 years ago while she was an adult. I also spoke with Stephanie, a friend of mine, who
For this dialogue project, I interviewed my cousin, Ramaneet, and asked her a few questions to see where she stands in terms of her opinions of ethical topics. We met at her house this past weekend and had quite an intense conversation. I was interested in interviewing my cousin because our opinions tend to almost always clash. We are both highly opinionated and also very verbal and outspoken. Needless to say, the interview became very heated every time we did not agree on