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What does “ethics” mean to me
Assignment on ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemma case analysis paper
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Ethical dilemmas surround us in our daily lives and we are unconsciously responsive through our opinions. Formulating one’s own opinion is important and holding your ground is imperative, especially in a society where everyone pushes their opinions onto others. Opinions are a reflection of an individual 's morals and his or her stance on ethical issues. For this dialogue project, I interviewed my cousin, Ramaneet, and asked her a few questions to see where she stands in terms of her opinions of ethical topics. We met at her house this past weekend and had quite an intense conversation. I was interested in interviewing my cousin because our opinions tend to almost always clash. We are both highly opinionated and also very verbal and outspoken. Needless to say, the interview became very heated every time we did not agree on …show more content…
While we are both against violence in general, Ramaneet is actually in favor of war when necessary. According to her, War is justified, but there are still limitations as to when it is acceptable. These limitations are clearly outlined in the Just War Theory which states that it must be the last resort, have just cause, proportionality, the right intention, and legitimate authority. She expressed that war is, in fact, wrong because innocent lives can be taken but the loss of a few for the preservation of many is worth it. This again is an example of Ramaneet’s Utilitarian approach to ethics. I, on the other hand, am against violence entirely. A life is a life, no matter if it is an enemy soldier’s, a horrible dictator’s, or an innocent individuals. All lives are equal and all lives should be protected. The best way to do so is to not get involved in heavy violence such as wars which claim so many lives. Not to mention, there is no such thing as “Just War” because rules are not always followed and there is no justification for violence or
Critical Response: Given the three possible responses from the book, I feel like #2 is the most ethical of the three. However, I feel like all three aren’t satisfactory ways to treat this situation. I will analyze them one by one, then give my opinion of what the salesperson should do.
Ethical decision-making is the responsibility of everyone, regardless of position or level within an organization. Interestingly, the importance of stressing employee awareness, improving decisions, and coming to an ethical resolution are the greatest benefits to most companies in today’s world (Weber, 2015).
Ethics is an important proponent when considering any decision. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is something everyone should know. However, the importance of ethics gets minimized when a decision that seems wrong actually has benefits. In the efforts of improving society, often ethics is violated. Sometimes in order for society to be better off as a whole, there has to be little sacrificing of ethical practices along the way to do so.
Ethics are the principles that shape individual lives in modern society. It is a subjective idea that seems to have a standard in society. Ethics and morals are the major factors that guide individuals to make right and wrong choices. Something that is morally right to one person might be the very opposite of what another person would view as right. There are many factors that can trigger a change in an individual’s view of morality.
I have always thought of my character as being fairly ethical. I was raised with good moral values, and I always treated others with the respect and value that I would want to be treated with. I am a firm believer in karma, you get back what you put out! When reading the book Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions by Arthur R. Holmes, it brought up some thoughts that have never occurred to me. Why do I make the decisions I make? What am I basing my decisions on? What impact do my beliefs have on the decisions I make? Holmes covers a wide range of answers to these questions. Our decisions are made with several different factors, including cultural relativism, ethical egoism, moral knowledge and virtue ethics just to name a few. The ethical
Ethical judgements limit the methods available in the production of knowledge in both the arts and the natural sciences. Discuss.
In the profession of Dental Hygiene, ethical dilemmas are nearly impossible to avoid, and most hygienists at some point in their professional life will have to face and answer ethical questions. Some ethical conflicts the dental hygienist may encounter can be quite complex and an obvious answer may not be readily available. In the article Ethical Decision Making, Phyllis Beemsterboer suggests an ethical decision-making model can aide the dental hygienist in making appropriate decisions when confronted with an ethical situation, and that the six-step model can serve dental hygienists in making the most advantageous ethical decision (2010).
Some of the deficiencies in the way cultural relativism addresses moral problems, according to Holmes; are that they remain impractical, they are subject to change depending on where you live, and that people tolerate the different cultures. As a professional business person, I agree with Holmes analysis. Allowing others perceptions or beliefs to get away with our own personal beliefs would be contradicting ourselves. It is important to stand up for our beliefs, and help educate others on ethical issues. Over time we can make a difference in the world by modeling moral beliefs and ethics.
In this assignment we will be identifying an ethical dilemma an individual has experienced. We will begin with a short introduction of what an ethical dilemma is, moving on to providing brief details of the dilemma an individual has experienced. We will then go on to selecting one ethical theory, to show how it can help an individual understand and deal with the situation when placed within, followed by a conclusion.
Making good ethical decisions requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced method for exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the considerations that should impact our choice of a course of action. Having a method for ethical decision making is absolutely essential. When practiced regularly, the method becomes so familiar that we work through it automatically without consulting the specific steps.
Many ethical dilemmas are philosophical in nature, an ethical issue can be described as a problem with no clear resolution. In order to solve the issue or dilemma a consensus between the parties involved must be reached. There are several reasons to come to an agreement over an ethical dilemma, it is the basis for all aspects of personal and professional dealings. Each one of us is part of a civilized society and as such it is our responsibility to be rational, honest and loyal in our dealings with others. (Alakavuklar, 2012) states that individuals make decisions for different situations in business life involving various ethical dilemmas. Each time either consciously or unconsciously individuals may follow some ethical approaches
Countless times, individuals are forced to make extremely difficult decisions.They try to form some type of rationale to justify their choices. However, many people do not realize how many approaches exist for people to arrive at a conclusion. Ethics teaches two broad theories: consequentialism and nonconsequentialism. In one particular case, a successful high school student who has just become pregnant, Jill, looks for advice from several trusted friends and family members. Each of these individuals have contrasting views on morality, and Jill uses their advice to ultimately come to her decision.
When I got my vignette, at first I was not concern about acting out this dilemma, but as the semester continue and as I began to watch my peers do their vignettes, I began to become worry. My reasons for this, is due to me not being able to find an example of my vignette to help me see how someone in the field would handle this situation. Although I was able to learn about how I would react in this scenario, I still felt nervous in the beginning. Therefore, it was beneficial for me to see, how I could go about this situation. Therefore when I did my vignette I felt confident in the ways that I was able to join with my client. I was also able to learn how I would be able to read the paperwork and how it would look like for me to be in the therapist role. Although
Introduction Generally, ethics is defined as standards of performance that explain how human beings should opt to react during many circumstances in which they meet with friends, citizens, parents, teachers, children, professionals, and businesspeople, among others. However, ethics is different from feelings, as feelings make significant information’s available for our ethical preferences. Although some people possess highly mature behaviors that cause them to feel awful when they get involved in the wrongdoings, most of the people normally enjoy doing bad things. Ethical decision-making And frequently people will feel uncomfortable when they are mandated to make difficult decisions.
Ethics is the philosophical study of morality. These days our society is changing due to advanced technology, hence the study of ethics is very important than the previous decades. In fact, the study of ethics is not a new issue but Socrates and Plato used ethical reasoning to explain different unjust issues before 2000 years. Ethics is one of the major issues, which does have not any guideline to a particular activity that is morally good, bad or neutral. However, everyone has different understanding and judgment about ethics depend on their cultural, economical, and family back ground. For instance, lying is unethical in most society and it is normal for some other cultures. Therefore, it is difficult to give universal meaning about morality as it depends on a given culture. For this reason, I would say there is not a single universal standard to label someone’s ethical decision as right and wrong. However, all countries should adopt ethical behavior with their environment in order to have honesty and caring society. An Individual can choose among different alternatives based on his or her ethical decision, but it is very difficult to say his or her ethical decision is right or wrong.