Ethical dilemmas in Psychological Practice

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This first portion of this paper will discuss what the author considers ethically, legally, and personally pertinent in addressing the issue of a client wanting to pursue a social relationship after therapy has terminated. It discusses how the author will proceed and things that would affect her decision about responsible professional practice. Given the scenario that the authors’ client has revealed that he or she is sexually attracted to me, the second portion of this paper will discuss how the author’s actions would differ if she were sexually attracted to her client in return. It will also discuss how the author would proceed with and what would affect her decisions about responsible professional practice.

The author’s client is terminating therapy because he or she lets her know that they would like to begin some form of social relationship after therapy has terminated. In response, the author explains to the client that she will allow a social relationship with her client only if it is beneficial to helping the continual positive progress of treating their issues. The American Psychological Association Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct Section 3.05 on multiple relationships states that a multiple relationship takes place when a psychologist is in a professional role with a person and at the same time is in another role with the same person. It also states that the psychologist is in a relationship with a person closely connected with the person whom the psychologist has the relationship with, or agrees to enter into another relationship in the future with connected with the person (Zur Institute, 2011). In addition, the author would proceed to explain to her client that she thinks it wo...

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...apy has been terminated. The author’s solution to this scenario is to discuss with the client that she will allow a social relationship with her client only if it is beneficial to helping the continual positive progress of treating his or her issues. In the second scenario where there is a mutual sexual attraction between the therapist and the client, the author suggests referring her client to another trusted psychologist and avoiding all contact with the client. If avoiding contact with the client is not possible after referral and contact is pursued, then the psychologist will be have the face the possibility of being sued for malpractice by her client. In the author’s opinion following ethical codes of conduct, being disciplined, setting boundaries and maintaining strict therapist-client relationship is the best policy for a responsible professional practice.

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