Essay On Truthful Memory

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Experiences Constitute Truthful Memory

Introduction With the belief that “ experiences constitutes truthful memory ” (Gadamer, 2004. p.58 ), then the purpose of this essay, is to “turn back to my lived experiences” ( p.58), significant to the existential of relationality, corporeality, spatiality, and temporality. The existence of these ideas is unique to an environmental setting in a particular school. With the just mentioned in mind, to varying degrees, I assert that memories are like the existence of truth. And that it is the testing of a text that determines truthful memories of lived experiences. A test of the text starts with a critique of questioning. For …show more content…

And that lived relation, body, space, and time, are existential in the sense that they belong to everyone 's life world— they are universal themes of life"( van Manen, 2014, p. ). Then I begin my “ memories by movement of my thoughts” ( Gadamer,2014,p.424) about the etymology of truthful. Etymology Etymologically, “ truthful” means having a sense of "something that is true"( ). Saying the right thing well .derives from an Old English triewð (West Saxon), treowð (Mercian) "faith, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty; veracity, quality of being true; pledge, covenant," from triewe, treowe "faithful" is first recorded mid-14c. Meaning "accuracy, or correctness" ( According to Gadamer ( 2004) “when an error is avoided then truth extends to their acts and deeds (p.392).

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