Essay On The Army Is A Profession Of Arms

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Profession of Arms Many believe that the Army is a profession of arms because Soldiers train on a daily basis. In one opinion, the United States Army is a profession of arms because as far back as the late fights in 1700s battles by citizen Soldiers using their skills and training that they learn and use to defend their land. As time went on and battles were continuously prevalent, those in congress realized that more actions and training needed to be taken to better protect the land. It was around this time that Congress authorized the creation of the Continental Army in 1775. Essentially, as far back as 1775 some can see that the military profession was a profession of arms. It is a vocation comprised of experts certified in the ethical application of land combat power, serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people. In order to be a profession one must generate uniquely expert work not routine or repetitive work. Even though the army is a profession of arms, not everyone who affiliates with the Army has to bear arms. This is correct because civilians, who are a part of the Army profession, are not trained or obligated by law to protect the country in that manner. These personnel are used to conduct affairs off the battlefield and behind the scenes. However, the military require its civilian employees to be professional and to protect the integrity of the United States Army at all times. To be considered a professional, in the Army one must exemplify several essential characteristics and qualities. Some of these characteristics are expertise, trust, development, values, and service. These are just a few features that an individual needs; h... ... middle of paper ... ... and the purpose of serving in a military branch of service. The reason for this is because certain individuals take the responsibility of being a U.S. Soldier as a typical 9-5 job and a reason for collecting a paycheck. Some also feel that the training is inadequate, repetitive and not allowing the individual to actually learn about combat situations and how to protect themselves. The profession of arms calls upon the skill and sacrifice of its members in ways that no other profession will. Soldiers should have no doubts of the army’s intent for them to succeed and should take every advantage of the system set in place for them to do so. We all have responsibility and opportunity to explore the army professional development system and to become the best soldier we can be. Professionalism is maintained and progressed daily through decisions.

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