Essay On Socks

613 Words2 Pages

[1] Socks have been worn by both men and women for centuries to stylishly protect the feet and keep them warm. Today, socks serve much the same purpose, along with a few additional purposes, and they come in many different styles and sizes depending on the wearer’s needs. [8] Though socks have been worn since ancient times, they became a representation of personal style during the fifteenth century and went on to symbolize social status and wealth for centuries following. Socks have always served as a protective barrier for the feet and were meant to keep the feet warm, though later they were used as a fashion statement as well. [2] Through the ages, socks have provided us with the up most comfort and style. [6] Socks rule. [4] Providing not just comfort, socks have also provided inspiration for art projects, and yes, even as in songs. [5/voc] While socks are quite inspirational and versatile, they have additionally inspired some jokes. [7] Inspired by sock jokes, people created the popular joke, “So a sock walked into a bar....” [3] Additionally, pets are even treated to t...

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