Essay On Roswell Incident

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The Roswell incident, in which the government is hiding aliens from the public. This incident is still one of the most controversial topics today. In Roswell, New Mexico 1947, a mysterious event occurred during the night. . A alien spaceship came crashing down in a wide open field. This event has been talked about for almost 63 years now.
What exactly happened near Roswell, New Mexico July, 1947. On the Morning of July 2nd, 1947, Mac Brazel heard a loud sound but thought it was just thunder. There was a storm that night (D). The Next day Mac and a neighbor went to his field to herd his sheep, when all of a sudden he came up on strange debris. Mac said the debris was scattered everywhere and there was a lot of it (D). Their was over 200 yards full of this strange material. Some of the material had markings that looked like hieroglyphics. Mac couldn’t decipher it into English. Nobody else could either (O).
Mac discovered lots of strange material. Mac found some rubber strips, tinfoil, wood sticks, some sort of tape looking stuff, and tough paper (A). Mac said that the metal could not be burned or bent even when hit with a sledgehammer (E). Jesse Marcel a friend of Mac says the metal is not from this planet (D). Mac thought the same thing but wasn’t sure. Mac gathered some of the material and brought it home. He decided to take it to the army intelligence officer. The officer said the same thing, he never seen the metal before (B). The officer informed the government, the government went to the crash site and investigated. They found many pieces and eventually came up on a bigger piece of metal. This particular piece had bodies in it. The government found 7 little bodies near the saucer (A). Grady Barnett said that they were all ma...

... middle of paper ... involved with the event. only ten of the witnesses said that the UFO that they seen was not from earth(O). Kenneth Arnold said he spotted nine saucers in formation flying in the air, but he only saw them for for a couple minutes (A). Arnold also said that they were flying at speeds faster than a jet. (A). A weather balloon would never travel that fast. The only other possible thing it could be is a jet, but there average speed is around 800 mph. The last witness I got is a person from KGFL. Whitmore said he received a call from the government that told him not to air the interview that they had with Mac Brazel the founder of the UFO. The FCC told Whitmore they will shut their company down if he airs it (Q). Next there was a couple government witnesses that have said some things including a military officer. He said one of the aliens they recovered were alive (O).

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