Essay On Readiness And Readiness

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The importance of being able to recognize the level of readiness to learn for each child is left to the educator to be proactive in what is best for each child. The teacher must be knowledgeable of each child and that child 's level before beginning the process of teaching. The educator must ask themselves what is the age, maturity level and physical readiness of each child. As an educator, it 's our responsibility to make students want to learn. The key factor is the child 's physical ability to performing a certain task. The simple definition of maturation states "it is the process of developing in the body or mind, the emergence of personal and behavioral characteristics through the growth process." Not every child learns at the same level, pace or even the same way. Some are visual others have to be stimulated by hands-on or interactive activities. I find it easier to learn when I have been given the conclusion and reason this is beneficial to me. We all need to understand the topic before we can successfully understand the meaning. Everything we do is just a portion of the whole picture. Time management is truly a scholarly activity. Teachers must manage time in the classroom. Time not managed is a setback. Just as we must allow time for the …show more content…

At this point is when it is imperative to help that child rise above. As an educator, you have to take the concepts and make them work for that child. Kids that are high achievers can go on opposite sides of the spectrum. A child who is quick to learn can become disconnected and bored. Uninterested children are lost in the mixture because they have the ability, readiness has been met, but you have to engage them to come back and get on track. Educators learn just like students; they must relearn what they are teaching to make it work for all

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