Essay On Negative Effects Of Mobile Phones

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It is no secret that mobile phones are a way of life for children and teenagers of the millennial generation. With cell phones nowadays having new features, such as cameras and numerous applications for kids to use, it makes it so much easier for kids to become addicted to them. These handheld devices have taken over society today and because of them most adolescents are living with a disease called nomophobia, “the stress and separation anxiety of going phone free” (Kaminski). The youth of today’s world mostly focus on the benefits of mobile phones, instead of the numerous detrimental side effects that can come from their overuse. Adolescent’s excessive use of mobile phones is causing them to become more unsocial and have major problems interacting with people face-to-face in their everyday lives and because of this we need to make a change. Consequently Angry Birds, Instagram, and the countless other applications that are available on cellphones today make it almost effortless for kids to become addicted to them. “When a child or teenager’s phone vibrates or rings, it triggers your fight-or-flight response in your brain.” (Kaminski). …show more content…

One can send a text and get a response within seconds. However, what about when they are not talking with their fingertips? What about when they actually have to interact with someone in person? Tamyra Pierce, a professor of mass communication at Fresno State University, argues that the technology that is available today is taking the place of face-to-face communication. Interpersonal communications are a key asset to have in life in order to succeed. These skills are used everyday, whether it is talking to a stranger or even just with friends. A majority of today’s youth lacks the ability to hold a face to face conversation with another person, which is becoming a huge problem in our

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