Essay On Master Of Science In Educational Leadership

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Being a learner by nature, the decision to continue my education was not a difficult one. The challenge was in determining the direction to take. I chose to pursue of a Master of Science in Educational Leadership for several reasons. The degree and accompanying certification will help me to complete some of my life goals. Additionally, its natural fit to the progression of my current career trajectory makes this move logical. Fortunately for me, the logical next move is also a preferred next move.
Since my career began in 2010, I have been blessed with many opportunities to function as a leader in my schools. I believe that while we lead, we should develop others as leaders by asking questions, hearing others’ voices and inviting collaboration. As an instructional coach it has been part of my role to help teachers develop tools as critical thinkers and decision makers, so they can make the best decisions for their students and our schools. When I started my career in education, I certainly never thought I would want to be an administrator; however, as time has passed I seem to find more ways to be a leader in my school, and I …show more content…

First, as my children get older and move away, I am looking for more flexibility with my time than the two personal days typically afforded teachers. Not only are my children getting older, but they are pursuing their own dreams, which I know will take them across the country and even the globe. Being realistic, a more flexible schedule and an increase in salary will make it much easier to stay in touch with my family and to be there when they need me. As a single parent, it has also been a personal goal of mine to remain debt free, help my kids pay for college, and be well prepared for my own retirement. While this goal is already within reach, becoming an administrator will make this more easily

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