Essay On Interscholastic Sports

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Taking interscholastic sports from schools would take the ability of the students that play sports to interact and compete with others from different schools. Sports are a great way of those who want to make friends because the people on the team would have the same interest in something. Plus it would take away of parents interacting with others parents about their kid that is playing. It would be a bad decision because despite that there are those who strongly believe that without playing in interscholastic sports, kids would become lazy and lack social skills. Schools should keep interscholastic sports. Many parents say playing in interscholastic sports would create fights, rivals and perhaps revenge on teams which is why they would get rid of it. Contrary to it was proven that playing interscholastic sports would help allow kids to make new friends with people from different teams. Having rivalry between schools would show how good of sportsmanship that would come from the students, parents and the athletes. For say …show more content…

The kids gain trust of their team and sometimes that all in needing to motivate a kid to excel in everything. It would also teach the benefit of a good competition and the value of teamwork. The fans on the sidelines are one of the most important parts of the game. The constant support of your parents helps you to feel good about yourself and strengthens your connection to them. Conclusion, everyone is saying there is benefits that can be gained by intramural sports instead of interscholastic sports because interscholastic sports are extremely expensive. Interscholastic sports collect money to help schools and charities. Most leagues require players to participate in some sort of sports fundraiser to offset costs. The difficult thing is choosing the best fundraising ideas for your particular

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