The concept of college athletics has been around for more than approximately 150 years (Siegel). From the very beginning, college athletics were destined to become a full-fledged, vital part in higher education. Their importance and significance from the start until now is undeniable. College athletics play a valuable role and are beneficial to institutions in ways such as promoting positive character development among athletes, establishing unity from a surplus of people, and supporting college experiences and traditions. These are just a few of their contributions to higher education. Although there are various controversies surrounding these points, they are just some of the reasons that athletics will remain embedded in university life for decades to come.
In August of 1852, the prestigious Harvard University and Yale University competed in a boat race in New Hampshire, marking the first beginnings of intercollegiate athletic competition (“College Athletics Programs”). Only 44 years later, “the first women’s intercollegiate competitions were in basketball, and held in 1896 between the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford, and the University of Washington and Ellensburg Normal School” (Siegel). Many other sports followed this lead, including baseball, football, rugby, tennis, and much more. These sports are just a few of the ones that still reign supreme in athletic programs today. Athletics within universities continued to rise to the top and become increasingly popular in education. This exponential increase in college athletics admiration caused it to be “embedded in universities mission” (“College Athletics Programs”). Soon enough, the creation of an organization to help maintain athletics was necessary to a...
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...aining the importance of college athletics.
The advantages that college athletics bring to a university’s metaphorical table are numerous. Promoting positive character development, creating and endorsing unity, and supporting college experiences and traditions just scratch the surface of the deep impact that athletics have had and continue to have on higher education. The important influences that college athletics carry with them are unquestionable, even to opponents of college sports. Critics will always have their views, facts, statistics and reasons on why college athletics should be taken off a positive pedestal or even completely banned. No system or organization is flawless and will always come with a few hiccups along the way. But despite those, college athletics will always remain an integral and a valuable part concerning their role in higher education.
In any movement by a marginalized social group to gain equal rights and recognition, there are always several factions with differing opinions of the best way to achieve the common goal. There are those who choose to work within the rules of the system as is it is already structured by the dominant social group, and there are those who choose to create their own branch, rewriting the rules to represent their own philosophies. Historically, women's athletics have been led by the second camp; by women who demanded a philosophy of sport with a vision unique from that of men?s athletics. Women's athletics remained, much like women as a social group, in its own separate sphere, leading its own organizational structure. But as the women's sphere was de-mystified (Spears, 1978) in the mid twentieth century, autonomous organizational structures were absorbed under the umbrella of formerly exclusively male athletics. This is the case as illustrated by the merger of the AIAW and the NCAA.
While college sports play a valuable role on university campuses, it is important for administrators to not lose perspective. That some football coaches earn more than university presidents, for example, is clearly wrong. Essay Task Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on college support for sports teams. In your essay, be sure to: • analyze and evaluate the perspectives given • state and develop your own perspective on the issue • explain the relationship between your perspective and those given
The overall culture and importance that American society places on college sports is susceptible to debate and criticism. Are we spending too much time and money on college football? Well that’s for you to decide, “Get football out of our universities” by Steven Salzberg expresses his concern that we are emphasizing too much on football and not enough on education. He makes his argument that America would be much smarter if only we would eliminate college football all together; he feels college football is driving academia to its death. Steven is effective in persuading his readers by utilizing rhetorical strategies and he provides his readers with facts and solutions. While reading Stevens article, you will see rhetoric used throughout his essay; he intends to open the reader’s eyes to the epidemic that football is having on our colleges and universities and provides viable solutions.
When I was accepted into the University of Oklahoma, I was not aware of the tradition or prestige that the football team carried. Moreover, I had no idea about the honor it was to don the crimson and cream in the arena of athletics. And, I never envisioned rooming with them. I enjoyed sports, but I loved reading and writing more. Initially, I was focused on building a collegiate career that one day would propel me to my goal of studying law. Yet, the more time I spent interacting with the athletes, the more parallels I noticed between their personalities and mine. Their diligence, perseverance and compassion were all traits that I could identify with since they were reflective of me. For the most part, the majority of the athletes were hungry to achieve and they desired knowledge at all costs; a combination that still resonates with me today.
Since the 1972 conception of Title IX of the Education Amendments, the number of women participating in intercollegiate athletics has increased five-fold, from fewer than 30,000, to more 150,000 in 2001. However, more than 400 men’s athletics teams have been dismantled since Title IX, the law forbidding sex discrimination at institutions receiving federal funds, became law. Some would say this is due, in part, to Title IX enforcement standards like proportionality. Proportionality requires that an institution’s athletic population must be of an equal ratio to its general student body. Among some of the 400-plus teams dismantled by Title IX are several former Colorado State University teams including wrestling, baseball, gymnastics, men’s swimming and diving, and men’s tennis. CSU student athletes no longer sport the opportunity of participating in these activities at the NCAA Division I level, and the days of the student body rooting for their ram teams are gone, possibly forever. Now the search is on to find a solution to the problems associated with Title IX if, indeed, a solution is ultimately necessary.
Thelin, John R., and Lawrence L. Wiseman. The old college try: balancing academics and athletics in higher education. Washington, D.C.: School of Education and Human Development, the George Washington University, 1989.
Pappano, Laura. “How Big-Time Sports Ate College Life” Norton Sampler: Short Essays for Composition, 8th ed. Pages 591-600. 2013.
Throughout the country young men and women are losing their priority for an education. To attend a university should be a highly cherished privilege, and it should be an even greater honor to play athletics for the university. Therefore, the writer supports the decision that the “student” comes before “athlete” in student-athlete. Playing for pay should be considered a job for “professionals”. In the rulebook, the NCAA views college athletes as armatures. This statement sums it up best. When athletes go to college, not all of them go in with the mindset that athletics is going to be their future job....
The impact of college athletic programs on academics has always been a controversial and contentious topic. It seems that athletic programs have some contemplative effects on academics of colleges and universities. Different people have different ideas about how college athletic programs should be carried on. College presidents, administrations, student athletes, parents of students, and athletic trainers are along with these people who point out different facts about the fallouts of athletics on academics. A bunch of people suggest that athletic programs should be dropped from college system, while another group suggests that athletic programs should be taken care with more advertence. An analysis on the effects of college athletics on academics has two personal approaches: college athletics undermine academics, and athletics amplify academic experience.
Siegel, D. "The Union of Athletics with Educational Institutions.” Athletics and Education. Science Smith Education, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, but so Cassius Clay, Jackie Robinson, and Bill Russell. Long before King’s famous “I Had a Dream” speech or Rosa Parks famous stand came something much simpler: sports. Sports have always had the ability to open people’s eyes in a way that is more impactful than words or actions. The way that athletics can shape a persons mind, or open their eyes to something beyond what they already believe, is incredible. They can get everyone to root for a common purpose, a common goal. And for some, that was freedom. The integration of professional and collegiate athletics not only changed sports history, but helped shape American history.
Collegiate athletes are already under an enormous amount of pressure even before enduring career-ending injuries. According to Kissinger (2009), student athletes normally struggle with six unique challenges. Student must be able to balance both athletic and academic responsibilities, along with balancing social activities, maintaining the stresses of relationships with coaches, teammates, friends, and parents. They also have to manage athletic success and/or failures with emotional stability. More importantly they have to balance physical health and injuries with the need to steady compete and with the termination of one’s college athletic career.
Sports are an easy activity to participate in, which every passionate high school student hopes to get a college scholarship for. The University of Michigan scouts for well-rounded students to enroll within their school who participate in activities in and out of school. It would not matter if a high school student was on a travel soccer team, but was not on the varsity team at their high school. This is because colleges look for those who participate in sports within school and have excelling grades. Although, the University of Kansas looks for high school “graduates that participated in many activities both in and out of school” (Berkowitz). It is not whether students decide which college to attend solely by their own decision, but it is the college’s preference in whic...
For decades there has been a debate on student athletes and their drive to succeed in the classroom. From the very beginning of organized college level athletics, the goal to want to succeed in athletics has forced students to put academics to the back burner. In spite of the goal to want to succeed over a hundred years of attempts to check limits of intercollegiate athletic programs on colleges' academic standards still seems to struggle to this day. This brings to surface one of the most asked questions in sports, “What effect does college sports have on academics and economics?” Herbert D. Simons, Derek Van Rheenen, and Martin V. Covington, authors of “Academic Motivation and the Student Athlete” researched the topic on whether athletics and academics benefit each other. Bryan Flynn, the author of “College Sports vs. Academics” poses the question “Should institutions of higher learning continue to involve themselves in athletic programs that often turn out to be virtual arms races for recruiting talented players who bring big money and prestige, but put academics to the back burner?” Although both authors agree that sports have an impact on an athlete’s academics, the focus of their argument differs.
In one historical moment from Pamela Grundy's book Learning to Win: Sports, Education, and Social Change in Twentieth-Century North Carolina, she writes about men's college athletics between 1880 and 1901. Grundy states that "metaphors of competition gained new prominence, particularly among the members of the state's expanding middle class, which was coming to dominate public affairs" (Grundy, 12). Male college students living in North Carolina began to excel in organized athletics during this time period. "The contests on the field seemed to mirror the competitive conditions prevailing in the society at large, and the discipline, self-assertion and reasoned strategy that sports were credited with teaching meshed neatly with the qualifies required for business and political success" (Grungy, 13). People who supported athletics wholeheartedly believed it taught good values such as discipline and good character, while there were some who opposed this saying that sports were a distraction for students and thus a hindrance to their educational goals. White college men perceived athletics as a way to show their superiority and justify their presence in business as well as politics. They believed athletic sports were essential in their "vision o...