Essay On Hamstring Injury

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Describe the pathology/condition from a reputable source. Include its etiology (how, when and why it occurs)
A hamstring strain is a very common injury that can affect up to three muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh (Bahr & Engebresten, 2009). It occurs in sports that require maximal speed, force and acceleration, as well as in sports that require sudden changes in movement or direction (Bahr & Engebresten, 2009). This injury can be classified into different grades, depending on the severity, type of action being performed (Duhig, 2017), individual factors and clinical diagnosis of the area. Referring to table 1, A grade one hamstring strain represents no structural damage and insignificant bleeding. A grade two strain results in an incomplete tear with moderate loss of strength and function (Duhig, 2017), whilst a grade three strain causes a complete rupture or tear to the musculotendinous unit (Drez, Bach & Nofsinger, 2008).
During the swing phase of running when the foot contacts the ground, the hamstrings are contracting eccentrically to slow down the extension of the knee and flexion of the hips. This is when a hamstring strain is most likely to occur because the hamstrings are at their greatest length and activation. Thus, when the hamstrings are stretched beyond …show more content…

This rate was significantly higher than other injuries such as groin or quadricep strains. This highlights the high incidence rate and concerns surrounding the hamstring strain within the AFL sporting code (Opar, Williams & Shield, 2012). Furthermore, research also acknowledges that a hamstring strain accounts for approximately 26% of all injuries for track and field events, as well as 12 – 14% of all injuries for soccer players. These figures further support the idea that hamstring strains are largely associated with sports that rely on fast movements (Opar, Williams & Shield,

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