Essay On Gender Inequality In The Workplace

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Women have been considered the weaker gender since the beginning of time. The distinctions between men and women, such as roles within the family, have prevented women from achieving societal progress as men. Gender inequality and the Glass Wall Effect are known inhibiting factors in upward mobility within the workplace. Men experience professional upward movement, both in wages and position, while women are trapped by glass ceilings and glass walls. Education and professional achievements are not deciding factors and women who assert themselves can also be seen as bossy. History tells a story of progression and a continual struggle for women to be seen and considered as equals.

Since the beginning of recorded history women …show more content…

A contributing factor to this, according to Mary Brinton, sociology professor at Harvard University, is that women continue to balance family with the demand of work and being available all the time (Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace, 2016). As a result, women take on a “second shift” when they get home from work and in choosing to progress professionally many are having less children or waiting longer to have children. There seems to be a correlation between gender equality at home and the workplace with lower birth …show more content…

As a matter fact, there is a strong relationship between glass ceilings and gender despite the growing presence of women and minorities in the workplace. Statistically, companies that have women in higher ranking positions tend to do better than companies that don’t. Women play an important role in today’s economy because of their spending power, therefore, their capacity to spend is dependent on their salaries (Merida L. Johns,

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