Essay On Emotional Intelligence

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The aim of the research is to study emotional intelligence and the quality of relationship among married couples.
Emotional intelligence is expected to be significantly related to marital quality.
The sample taken for the present study was 50 married couples (N=100) belonging to the age range of 30-45 years. All the couples had completed more than two years of marriage. They belonged to various educational and occupational backgrounds The male participants of the study were working or employed and female participants were either housewives or working The data was collected from Delhi-NCR region. All the participants of the study had a fair understanding of English. Therefore, all the tests were administered in English.

Husbands 50 30-45
Wives 50 30-45

Emotional Intelligence Test ( Dr Dalip Singh & Dr NK Chadha, 2003)

The test comprises of 22 statements/items which takes into account following dimensions of emotions such as - emotional maturity, emotional sensitivity and emotional competency. The foundations of the test lies in assessing real situations of the environment around also how a person’s affect, thought and action influences area of emotional Intelligence and their ability of being aware, regulating their emotions , managing stress and maintaining social relationship. The test-retest and split-half reliability of 0.94 and 0.89 , validity of 0.89 was found out respectively.

Marital Quality Scale (Shah, 1995)

This is a multi-dimensional scale. It consists of 50 items that are in a statement form with a four-point rating. Separate forms are there for men and women The scale gives two types of scores : total score and subscale scores on twelve relation...

... middle of paper ... satisfied couples were more likely to perceive themselves as having similar levels of emotional intelligence as to their partner’s levels of emotional intelligence.
Individuals having higher levels of emotional intelligence are able to build and maintain life long relationships

Adeptness in emotional intelligence helps individual to withstand and to deal with various life stressors that affects themselves, their partner and their relationship. Emotional intelligence makes easier recognizing one’s own feelings and desires which in turn promotes effective communication with the partner. A person’s ability of accurately identifying what it is that is troubling others and trying to resolve the conflict and issues are all those necessary competencies that are required for establishing as well as maintaining good and healthy relationships in life (Stephenson, 2008).

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