Essay On Coca Cola Culture

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The cultural artefact I will be discussing in this essay is Coca Cola. Coca Cola is a very popular fizzy drink sold in many food stores, restaurants, and vending machines all around the world. It is one of the most well-known brands in world. Coca cola was first made by a company of Alanta, Geogia. It was originally invented by a man called John Pemberton as was sold to people as a medicine however it was brought out by a businessman called Asa Griggs Candler. With his marketing skills it led Coca Cola became a global drink sold all around the world. As a result of market share Coca Cola companies now operate in over 200 countries and have over 84,000 suppliers. Now over 70% of Coca Cola’s income is produced from non-US sources (Coca Cola Company 2012). Coca Cola is an example of culture because it is a drink consumed by many people all around the world. The Coca Cola Company is a multinational business and it depends on its consumers to make its profits. Coca cola is a drink consumed by all cultures regardless of them being highbrow, middle brow or lowbrow. Any culture can purchase the drink as it is reasonably priced. This essay will look at how Coca Cola became globalised and some of the affects it has had on culture.
Coca Cola’s Journey to Globalisation
Coca Cola was first founded back in the 1880’s. It was developed as an American iconic brand recognized for high quality and consistency. During this period a demand for recognition of the brand name was important for the company. Coca Cola met these demands with its red and white logo packaging and brand marketing to encourage consumers that the Coca Cola would taste the same anywhere else it was purchased. These marketing strategies became the foundation for Co...

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...ure. Marxist explains the impacts of culture in terms of exploitation and maintenance to the ruling class. Though globalisation creates cultural hybridisation and cultural hegemony, it may not be disadvantage of culture but may just be a way of life. There will always be winners and losers and culture will always change in time and space.

Berger, Arthur Asa. Reading Matter: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Material Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1992. Date Accessed: 29.5.14. Date Accessed: 25.5.14.
McLuhan, Marshall. The Mechanical Bride: The Folklore of Industrial Man. Beacon Press, 1967.
Watters, Pat. Coca-Cola. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978. 214-232.

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