Essay On Child Trauma

519 Words2 Pages

There is a need for the criminal Justice System to recognize the high rate of trauma and trauma related disorders among young children which are caused by their parents, guardian and other members of the community. Many children have fallen victims of abusive parents of guardians with the abuse ranging from verbal to physical abuse. Trauma among young children has become a global; health concern and many civil rights groups have addressed the issue and measures that need to be taken to handle this challenge.
Trauma among the young people had a negative effect on their growth and has been associated with negative behavior change among young people.Behaviours such as drug abuse and crime among the young people are attributed to childhood trauma. Many children are unable to fit social groups due to the trauma effects from either physical or verbal abuse from the people who have the responsibility of taking care of them. Traumatic brain injuries that occur at the early stages of a child’s development can have a negative impact on the behavior of the child resulting to development chall...

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