Essay On Bigfoot

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BIGFOOT- LEGEND OR HOAX It is an unexplainable mystery that is said to live in the wilderness of Washington State. It is a cryptozoological creature that either doesn't like people or he is scared of them. Some claim to have seen the creature. Most think the beast is an elaborate hoax. But there is no question that the remote forests of the northwestern United States are said to be home to a legendary, reclusive, ape-like being known only as Bigfoot. I have personally seen and heard what I believe to be Bigfoot. I had stopped to take a break dirtbiking we were taking pictures and talking when a 8 foot tall creature walked out from behind the tree where i had parked my bike. It scared the crap out of me. According to eyewitness accounts, Bigfoot has a very intimidating appearance. It is said to be between seven and ten feet tall. The beast weighs in at half a ton or more. Bigfoot is covered in long, shaggy, brownish-red hair all over its body. It is described as having long, muscular arms and a thick neck. Also, …show more content…

They believe that the beast is a guardian spirit who protects the forest from intruders, with special powers that enable it to appear suddenly and vanish at will. Modern sightings of the creatures also go back a long way. Loggers, frontiersmen, fur trappers and lumberjacks who came to Washington State back in the late 19th century all provide some of the earliest modern accounts of the creature . And there are fantastic tales of many Bigfoot-like creatures around the world. The Sedapa lives in the mountains of Japan and the central Pacific. The Yowie haunts the lowlands of Australia. And the famous Yeti ekes out a lonely existence in the Himalayas. Countless sightings of Bigfoot-like animals from Asia to Canada suggest that there could be several different species of the same creature all over the world, each adapted for survival in its chosen

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