Essay On Artificial Intelligence

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Humans have developed a wonderful fascination with artificial intelligence since it first introduced to the world in the 1950’s. The Merriam-Webster defined Artificial Intelligence as “a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers.” Another definition is “the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.” Computer science was cool on its own but to incorporate human intelligence into it sounded like a ground breaking idea. There would be no limit to what humans can do with intelligent machines and computer programming. In the 1950s this type of technology seemed far beyond a scientists’ lifetime but almost 70 years later, scientists/researchers are able to have artificial as part …show more content…

The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.” So how can we get a computer to be intelligent? Let’s start with the origin of it all. British Mathematician, Alan Turing published a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence. In the paper, Turing argued that if a machine could past a certain test, then we would have evidence to say that the computer was intelligent. The test turns out to be the ‘Turing test;’ a human being asking questions through a computer terminal to either a human being and another computer. If the questioner fails to correctly distinguish the human from the computer, then the computer would have done its job by passing the test. This then mean the computer is intelligent. Fast forward almost 66 years and the game of Artificial Intelligence has changed, the world today was a possibility for scientists and researchers in the early 1950s. AI is now apart of our everyday life, we have it in our cars, cellphones, toys, labs, etc. AI has become essential in our life, we can no longer live without it. And it’s still …show more content…

It uses algorithms to analyze data, obtain patterns, learn and make predictions and decisions based on the the information that is collected. Since it’s learning from the programmers, the computers tend to pick up on the preferences and biases of the people who build them. Computer biases aren’t completely transparent since corporations like to be private and discreet about their

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