Annotated Bibliography: Artificial Intelligence As A Threat

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Annotated Bibliography:

Bilton, Nick. “Artificial Intelligence as a Threat.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 17 Nov. 2014l.
Nick Bilton starts “Artificial Intelligence as a Threat” with a comparison of Ebola, Bird flu, SARS, and artificial intelligence. Noted by Bilton, humans can stop Ebola, bird flu, and SARS. However, artificial intelligence, if it ever exceeds human intelligence, would not be stoppable by humans. Bilton, in his article, argues that AI is the biggest threat to humans at our current time, more serious than Ebola and other diseases. Bilton references many books and articles which provide examples of threats of AI.
This source is a credible secondary source. Nick Bilton is business and technology …show more content…

"Artificial Intelligence: Cannibal Or Missionary?." AI & Society 21.4 (2007): 651-657.Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.
Margaret Boden’s “Artificial Intelligence: Cannibal or Missionary” is a credible primary source article rebutting common concerns of artificial intelligence. Boden uses strong logic to combat against the thought of artificial intelligence making humans less special and artificial intelligence causing people to be dehumanized. Boden concludes that dehumanization and people finding themselves less special from AI are false and that other concerns include people overlying on AI.
I will use this article’s arguments and logic in the counter argument section of my essay. I will address the arguments Boden utilizes and will mention the additional fears that are mentioned in the article. While dehumanizing aspects of artificial intelligence are not a great threat given artificial intelligence’s limitations, artificial intelligence will continue to advance. Meanwhile, the issue of humans depending too heavily on inaccurate information is a concern. Artificial intelligence cannot know everything, so decisions may not be as thought-out as humans. This article is unbiased, as it uses strong logical arguments without employing logical fallacies. The article also addresses other fears, instead of claiming that artificial intelligence is a flawless concept. This article is limited, as it doesn 't discuss two of my arguments in my essay …show more content…

Throughout the article, Ford uses data to provide information on the current state of unemployment. He notes that from analysis, it was determined that the U.S. market is highly polarized from existing technology. Because of this polarization, it will be challenging for workers to find new jobs, if AI becomes more widespread and used. Ford concludes that, “it becomes somewhat difficult to imagine just what jobs might be left for even the most capable human works” if AI ever matches or exceeds human intelligence.
The article is a credible primary source peer-reviewed journal article published in Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). This is a non-profit organization which publishes computing articles of differing views. Martin Ford is highly qualified in technology and the future, having a business degree along with a computer engineering degree. He is unbiased in his article, using only logic and data to support his

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