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The impact of stress on academic successful in college student
The definition of stress is “When we feel that everything seems to have become too much- we are loaded and wonder
whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us Tension or anxiety” (Christaian, 2013). . Stress is not by
definition similarly with nervous. When we feel about the stressed, we become devastated what we do and what we say
about dumb things. We gibber on endlessly or go completely mute. Many people experience about stress as they unite busy
lives and the demands of study and or work while trying to also save time for their family and friends. For some people, their
stress becomes about a way of life. We all know about stress is getting from an examination, completing an important paper
and perhaps getting ready for an important interview. The people who want more successful to feel about more stress but it
good for them because it make them to work very hard and, therefore, is probably doing something very crucial. The purpose
of stress mean is to offer a discussion on stress and how it can prevent students from being successful in fulfillment of their
educational aims. Stress may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it and it also effect our body, your
thoughts and feelings and your behavior. So stress also can effect positive and negative on academic successful and bad
effects of health on college student.
First, I want to show about stress of positive effect on academic success for college student. The positive effect of stress is one
kind of worry because it can make college student to get academic successful. For example: college student worry about to
finish their homework, to learn their lectu...
... middle of paper ...
...e bad at communication
and less of self confidence. For bad communication, some of the people don’t want to talk with anyone, if they talk
with womeone, they will become anger that person who is wrong or right when they has so many stress they cannot
get easily . For less self-confidence, many college student feel about this. When they worried and stressful about
the exam, their health cause fever or headache or something and they feel that when they have many stressful and
worries their health cause problem and they become less self confident. That’s why stressful is sometimes good but
if they have many about that, their health will cause bad problem. If u want to protect about the stress, we think positive about stress help with stress management and can even improve your health and student practice overcoming negative self-talk with examples provided.
Stress, as defined as a reaction to a stimulus that breaks our physical and mental harmony, is ubiquitous. However, stress has two sides – the bad and the good, in which the latter is mostly overlooked as most people suffer from the affliction of the former.
...ife and we all thrive under a certain amount of stress. Deadlines, competitions, examinations, confrontations and even our frustrations and sorrows add depth and enrichment to our lives. Our goal is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us. Feelings of stress and anxiety are inevitably going to develop in students. Teachers should be able to identify symptoms and sources of stress and anxiety in students. They should be aware of various strategies that can be applied to minimize the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety. Their focus should be on the development of coping mechanisms in students so that they are able to channelize their stresses and anxieties productively. Every teacher is required to find the optimal level of stress for each student which will motivate but not overwhelm individual for maximal benefit.
The degree of stress and the desire to make the changes will determine the level of change that will take place. If a student wants to change the amount of stress in their life, they have to be willing to work and manage their time properly, even if it means sacrificing hours from a job or a night out with friends to study for a test or write a paper. Many students feel an increase in stress and anxiety when writing a paper, meeting a deadline, or studying for an exam. This can cause twitching, trembling, muscle tension, headaches, sweating, irritability, fatigue, and even dry mouth (Anxiety, Stress, and Tension). When talking about stress, there are many things that can influence a student. The five main topics that influence a student’s well being are attitude, physical well being, physical activity, support systems, and relaxation (World Book on Health, 235). Attitude: The attitude of a student can influence whether a situation or emotion is stressful or not. A student with a negative attitude will ...
Despite that many don 't realize the dangers, stress is one of the most significant problems of modern times, causing serious problems on physical and mental health. Stress symptoms may be affecting a patients health, even though a doctor may not realize it. Don 't assume that an illness is to blame for that excruciating headache or your sleep deprivation. Let 's face it, everyone copes with stress. Sometimes stress is in our favor, but other times it could feel like stress is taking over. " Stress is a normal physical response your body uses to protect itself from challenges life throws at it each day"(Stress and Health: How Stress Affects Your Health) Stress affects everyone differently, so it 's important to understand what may be causing
Life is full of obstacles and has shown people that stress is very common and a part of life. When you are running around all the time like you are in an emergency mode, your body will pay the price. What some people do not know is that stress can actually be helpful and can cause a positive effect on you. It can serve as a motivation and be useful under pressure. Without stress, our lives would be boring and pointless.
Stress is defined in the dictionary as “state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life”. Everyone encounters stress in their life caused by many different variables in life and we all cope with in different ways. The way one copes with the stress is how it can affect our body. Some take to working out, eating healthy, take breaks from what is stressing you out and getting plenty of sleep which are good ways to cope with it. Some take to other coping mechanisms that are not very great for the body. Some examples are stress eating, abuse of drugs and alcohol, bottling up the stress, and depression. These bad methods can cause serious damage to one’s health on the body.
Everyone deals with stress at some point in his or her life. Most people deal with it daily. As defined in the book called Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness, stress is, “The mental, emotional, and physiological response of the body to any situation that is new, threatening, frightening, or exciting” (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2012). This stress is caused by a stressor, which is also known as “a stress-causing event” (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2012). Stressors can take all different forms, from moving to a new town, having a baby, or even writing a paper (Boyd, Wood, & Wood, 2011). One major stressor in life can be going to college. If not coped with properly, these stressors can leave a person with too much stress that could end up harming them mentally and physically, such as developing an illness (Boyd, Wood, & Wood, 2011). There are several ways to cope with stress. Some healthy ways to cope with stress would be practicing emotion-focused coping, building time-management techniques, and practicing meditation.
Long – term stress can even require the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, and depression; it can be a main cause of moodiness and frustration. Many of us are aware of the physical symptoms of stress-muscle pain, rapid breathing or an increased pulse. At the same time, they also suffer from emotional of stress which can be like roller coaster of highs or lows. emotional effects rang from emotional overeating to a feeling of being overwhelmed and pressure. stress impact many other components, which leads to difficulties in making decisions, loss sense humor, poorer concentration, negative thinking. As can be seen, stress nearly brings serious effects to people. Apart from the effects above, it can be the main reason which creates your decreased productivity at work. stress makes people less control their pace work, which leads to dissatisfaction. about 40% employees said that they are burned out because of work-related stress and loss $300 billion each year in the workplace . In addition, your relationship with people around also become worsens because of your stress. In fact, stress makes people puzzled and their life can undergo a considerable
There are the solutions in order to combat the risk of stress by taking some time for themselves to participate in their hobby or just go off to a movie (Michael & Heather, 2010). As mentioned by Michael and Heather (2010), they also can share their matters with their friends and family they trust to talk about what is bothering them and try to make sense of it. Another important way in reducing stress is say no to extra work or responsibilities, therefore, they can taking a long, hot bath with music and candles which can be a good stress reliever. William (2004) recommends that a good nutrient which consist of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, protein, fish and healthy fats from nuts and seeds can play a critical role in the stress response.
Stress is a familiar word in today’s world and everyone that has to earn a living or studying can get stress easily. There are differences between stress at school vs stress at work life even stress in daily life; students nowadays are going through many pressure, mostly the stress they are dealing with appears during exam period. Simply, stress is a mental illness that contains apprehension and anxiety and was caused by problems surrounding your life. Stress can affect health and emotions negatively and it causes an issue for the body if there is no solution to deal with it, bad stress appears in a long-term and happens when life’s problems have no way to handle. On the other hands, not all stress is bad for you, some are considered good stress
Stress is in our everyday lives. We allow things such as the way we live, school, work, family, relationships etc to stress us out. Some people deal with stress way different from others. Some may know how to cope with stress better than others. We allow stress to take a major toll over our lives when we are suppose to fight it, but a lot of people can’t do that. Stress makes you act and do things that are not like yourself. Stress is a negative word; it comes in all different shapes and forms.
"Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress; 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints; stress is linked to the six leading causes of death--heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide." (Miller, 1993, p.12) " Stress plays havoc with our health, our productivity, our pocketbooks, and our lives, but it is necessary, even desirable." (Oxford, 1998, p.29)
Stress is defined as “any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities” (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 72). Stress is a natural event that exists literally in all areas of one’s life. It can be embedded in the environment, culture, or perception of an event or idea. Stress is a constant burden, and can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. However stress can also provide beneficial effects; it can satisfy one’s need for stimulation and challenge, promote personal growth, and can provide an individual with the tools to cope with, and be less affected by tomorrow’s stress (Weiten & Lloyd, 2006, p. 93).
According to the American Psychological Association, “Stress is often described as being overwhelmed, worried or run-down.”
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events or situations that cause them to feel tension, pressure or negative emotions such as anxiety or anger (Patel, 15). Other people may view stress as a process involving a person’s interpretation and response to a threatening event. In any case, stress has many facets of how one perceives and responds to the certain predicament that is ailing them.